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Ítem The conservatory debated from a critical pedagogy perspective(sagepub, 2021) López-Peláez Casellas, M.PazSpanish Conservatories of Music are educational institutions where, for the most part, the culture of Modernity is upheld and an aesthetic musical paradigm is enshrined. In this paper, therefore, it was important to reflect, firstly, on the teaching practices they implement and which have remained faithful to Positivist assertions, in the face of the different educational laws that have been passed. To this end, we carried out an analysis of the opinions of 20 students on a university Master’s course which is centred on contemporary artistic practices and where theories sourced from Critical Pedagogy occupy an important space. With the data drawn from these students – all of them Conservatory graduates and a significant number now teachers – we used interpretative phenomenological analysis techniques and the results show this group’s openness towards methodologies and practices hitherto unknown to them. They highlight, moreover, the importance of offering opportunities to awaken a critical approach in students, whereby they can choose what type of teacher they wish to be, and which methodologies they wish to adopt, rather than merely reproducing in an uncritical fashion the teaching style in which they themselves were taught.Ítem Cycle ergometer high‑intensity interval training does not produce a transient risk of falling in adults 50–70 years of age(Springer, 2025-01-08) Keating, Christopher James; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Latorre Román, Pedro A.; Donahue, Paul T.Purpose High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise routine that induces positive physiological adaptations. However, research has stated that HIIT may elicit a fall risk. Therefore, does a single session of cycle ergometer HIIT negatively affect postural control differently from that of metabolically matched moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT)? Methods Twenty adults participated in non-weight-bearing cycling on two separate days, one HIIT and the other MICT. Prior to exercise, baseline measures of center-of-pressure (COP), gait, and dynamic balance were acquired. The same measures were captured at four (4) time points post-exercise (immediately, 10-, 20-, and 30-post). COP data were collected for double-leg eyes closed (EC) and single-leg eyes opened (SL) scenarios in two directions (anterior–posterior [AP] and medial–lateral [ML]). Results No significant differences for condition (HIIT vs MICT) or condition x time (pre, post, 10, 20, and 30) were observed Significant time effects for sway velocity in AP-SL (p=0.002) and ML-SL (p=0.023) and significant differences for time in sway range ML-EC (p=0.003) were observed. There was a significant effect for time in gait velocity (p=0.018). Conclusion A single session of cycle ergometer HIIT does not negatively affect postural control compared to a metabolically matched MICT protocol. HIIT does not impede postural control determined by COP data. Total work performed and individual training status may better indicate adverse changes in postural control variables in adults aged 50–70 years.Ítem La recepción del Orff-Schulwerk en el mundo hispano: las ediciones latinoamericana y española de Musik für Kinder (1950-1954)(Resonancias Revista de Investigación Musical, 2024) De la Hoz-Díaz, Joaquín; Marín-López, JavierDesde la publicación original en alemán de Musik für Kinder (1950-1954), las ediciones del Orff-Schulwerk o método Orff en formato de libro se han sucedido en multitud de países, convirtiéndose en una de las vías más efectivas para la difusión mundial de este conocido sistema pedagógico. En este artículo se analizan y comparan las ediciones germana, latinoamericana –publicada en Argentina (1961)– y española (1969) del Orff-Schulwerk a partir de su estructura y contenido, la temática y características del repertorio, y la plantilla instrumental requerida. El estudio concluye que existieron notables diferencias entre las ediciones hispanas del manual, resultado de un proceso de adaptación en el que fueron determinantes factores estéticos e ideológicos locales. Asimismo, subraya la relevancia del manual como uno de los eslabones fundamentales de la cadena de transmisión del método en su conjunto, caracterizado por una camaleónica capacidad de adaptación que le permitía operar en contextos muy diversos sin perder sus fundamentos pedagógicos. Todo ello permite avanzar en nuestro conocimiento sobre la recepción del Orff-Schulwerk en el mundo hispano en las décadas de 1960 y 1970.Ítem Effects of a dual-task activity on gait parameters of people with and without intellectual disabilities(Wiley, 2024-03-18) Cabrera Linares, José Carlos; Latorre Román, Pedro Ángel; Párraga Montilla, Juan Antonio; Andrade-Lara, Karina E.; Ruiz-Peralvarez, Francisco Javier; Gutiérrez-Cruz, CarmenObjective: The main objective of this study was to evaluate gait parameters in people with intellectual disability (ID) and without intellectual disability (WID) in two different walking conditions (single task vs. dual task [DT]). A secondary aim was to evaluate the dual task cost (DTC) that the DT causes in each group. Methods: A total of 119 participants joined in this study, 56 ID (30 men) and 63 WID (30 men). The Optogait system was used to assess gait. In addition, witty photocells were added to assess gait under the DT condition. Results: Single support time was lower for participants with ID (p<0.01), while double support time was higher (p<0.05). All coefficients of variation (Cv) for gait parameters were higher in participants with ID. Additionally, changes in gait were observed in both groups during the DT condition compared to the ST condition. These changes were larger for participants with ID in step length, double support time, and gait speed (p<0.001), resulting in a higher DTC in these variables in the ID group (p<0.01). Conclusion: Both groups reduced gait performance in the DT condition. However, greater gait variability occurred in the ID group. In addition, DTC was higher for the ID group in all variables analysed. Therefore, people with ID show worsening gait performance during a DT than people WID.Ítem PERFIL DEL ENTRENADOR DE BALONCESTO EN LA ETAPA ESCOLAR EN ANDALUCÍA(2018) Herrera López, Eva M.; Lozano Aguilera, Emilio; Serrano Huete, Victor; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.El estudio de las características del entrenador de baloncesto puede aportar datos de interés que contribuyan a la mejora de sus competencias, a la vez que posibilite mayor eficacia en el proceso de aprendizaje de los jugadores. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el perfil de los entrenadores de las categorías infantil y cadete masculina y femenina de baloncesto en Andalucía. Participaron 117 entrenadores activos en las categorías de referencia, respondiendo a un cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que los entrenadores suelen ser hombres, de edades comprendidas entre 25 y 44 años con titulación mínima requerida para realizar las funciones como entrenador. Predominan las categorías masculinas sobre las femeninas, siendo principalmente un club deportivo el organismo donde se realiza la función de entrenador.Ítem Reference Values of Spatial and Temporal Gait Parameters in a Contemporary Sample of Spanish Preschool Children: A Cross-Sectional Study(MDPI, 2022-07-30) Latorre Román, Pedro A.; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Robles Fuentes, Alejandro; Roche Seruendo, Luis E.; Lucena Zurita, Manuel; Muñoz Jiménez, Marcos; Majón Pozas, Daniel; Salas Sánchez, Jesús; Almeida da Conceição, Filipe; Consuegra González, Pedro J.Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of age and sex on kinematic gait parameters in preschool children, and derive reference values for this population. A total of 383 preschool children (age 3–5 years; 207 girls, 176 boys) participated in this study. We used the OptoGait system to assess the kinematics of gait at a comfortable and self-determined speed. No significant differences between the sexes were found for the main gait parameters. Among the participants, there was a significant increase in double support, reductions in absolute cadence and the coefficient of variation (CV) of cadence, an increase in absolute step length (SL), and an increase in the walk ratio (WR) from 3 to 5 years of age. However, the normalized SL and normalized WR displayed a significant reduction in both sexes. Partial correlation indicated a significant association of age with SL and normalized SL, and WR. Additionally, WR showed a significant correlation with the CV of cadence. To summarize, no relevant differences in gait performance were found according to sex; however, age was found to influence gait maturation. The normative values established for Spanish preschool children can be used to monitor healthy gait development.Ítem Healthy lifestyles and physical fitness are associated with abdominal obesity among Latin-American and Spanish preschool children: A cross-cultural study(WILEY, 2022) Latorre Román, Pedro A.; Guzmán Guzmán, Iris P.; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Caamaño Navarrete, Felipe; Salas Sánchez, Jesús; Palomino Devia, Constanza; Reyes Oyola, Felipe A.; Álvarez, Cristian; De la Casa Pérez, Ana; Cardona Linares, Antonio J.; Delgado Floody, PedroBackground: Identifying environmental factors that influence health in children are necessary to develop preventive strategies. Objective: To determine the association between the lifestyles of children (i.e., Mediterranean diet (MD), physical activity (PA), fitness and screen time (ST) with abdominal obesity (AO) of preschoolers from three Spanish-speaking countries (Chile, Colombia and Spain) with different socioeconomic levels and Human Development Index (HDI) indicators. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 982 schoolchildren (aged 4–6 years; 56.8% girls) from Chile (n = 409), Colombia (n = 281), and Spain (n = 292). Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WtHR), adherence to the MD, PA, ST and physical fitness were evaluated. Results: Spanish preschoolers reported a lower WtHR (p < 0.001), greater physical fitness (Z-score) (p < 0.001) and higher adherence to the MD (p < 0.001) than their Chilean and Colombian peers. In addition, Colombian preschoolers had a better lifestyle (PA + ST) than their Chilean and Spanish peers (p < 0.001). Chilean preschoolers reported a higher prevalence of AO than the Spanish preschoolers (65% vs. 51.9%; p = 0.001). Conclusion: Lifestyle had a significant association with AO among Spanish-speaking preschool children, with physical fitness especially being a relevant factor regardless of the country of origin. The findings of the current study may support the development of public guidelines focusing on healthy lifestyles in children to create effective plans that contribute to the early treatment of AO in preschool children.Ítem A New Approach for Evaluation of Cardiovascular Fitness and Cardiac Responses to Maximal Exercise Test in Master Runners: A Cross-Sectional Study(MDPI, 2022-03-16) Latorre Román, Pedro A.; García Pinillos, Felipe; Salas Sánchez, Jesús; Muñoz Jiménez, Marcos; Serrano Huete, Victor; Martínez Redondo, Melchor; Aragón Vela, Jerónimo; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the cardiac autonomic function at rest, at maximum exercise, and in recovery after exercise and to determine sex-specific and age-specific values for resting heart rate (RHR), hear rate (HR)-peak, HR recovery (HRR), and HR variability at rest in master runners. Fifty endurance runners (21 women) participated in this study (43.28 5.25 years). The subjects came from different athletic clubs in Andalusia (Spain), and the testing protocol was performed in-season. A 3-km running test was performed and the cardiovascular response was monitored. Regarding sex, no significant differences were found regarding cardiovascular autonomic function at rest, during exercise, and following maximal exercise, only at rest, the standard deviation of all R-R intervals and low frequency values displayed significantly (p < 0.05) lower scores in women. 46% of athletes showed an RHR < 60 bpm. Additionally, HR-peak showed a significant correlation with age (r = 0.369; p = 0.009) and HRR5min (r = 0.476, p = 0.001). Also, endurance performance was inversely associated with obesity traits and cardiometabolic risk factors. In summary, age, sex, fitness, or anthropometrics characteristics did not show a relevant influence on cardiovascular autonomic modulation in master runners. However, the 3-km performance displayed a significant negative association with several factors of cardiometabolic risk.Ítem The variability of strength production capacities during a judo contest(Physical Activity Review, 2023-01-04) Serrano Huete, Victor; Latorre Román, Pedro; García Pinillos, Felipe; Morcillo Losa, José A.; Jiménez Reyes, Pedro; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.Background. The muscular response of athletes in a judo contest is one of the most important aspect to measure with precision. Objective. Our purpose was to obtain and analyse the variability of strength associated to muscular performance parameters during a judo contest. Methods. Thirty-five men performed five 5-minute bouts with 15 minutes of passive rest. Immediately after each bout, muscular performance parameters were tested: countermovement jump (CMJ), maximal dynamic strength capacities (mean power velocity (MPV), mean strength (MS), maximum strength (MXS), mean power (MP) and maximum power (MXP)) in upper body, dominant (DHS) and non-dominant handgrip isometric strength (NDHS). ANOVA to compare baseline test data and successive bouts was used. Results. ANOVA revealed significant differences in NDHS (p<0.001), DHS (p<0.001), CMJ (p<0.001), MPV (p<0.001), MXS (p<0.001), MP (p<0.001) and MXP (p<0.001). No significant differences in MS (p = 0.008) were found. Some significant correlations between NDHS and ΔPMX (r=0.368, p=0.050), MPV and ΔMXS (r=0.528, p=0.001) and ΔMXP (r=0.683, p<0.001), MPX and ΔMXS (r=0.528, p=0.001) and ΔMP (r=0.877, p<0.001) were found. Conclusion. Due to judo contest can be considered a high intensity exercise, it produces an amount of muscular fatigue and therefore significant loss strength that it cannot be recovery during rest-times between successive bouts. For this reason, it was a high variability in strength production capacities, which are modified during a judo contestÍtem Analysis of the influence of sports practice on prosocial and antisocial behaviour in a contemporary Spanish adolescent population(Edizioni Luigi Pozzi, 2023) Latorre Román, Pedro; Moreno del Castillo, Rafael; Salas Sánchez, Jesús; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.The main purpose of this study was to analyse prosocial and antisocial behaviour in adolescent athletes in relation to the type of athletic practice, the motivation for engaging in sport, and sex. Three hundred and seventy-four students (130 girls and 244 boys) (age range = 13-18 years) were divided into five groups. The Interpersonal Reactivity Index, the Antisocial Behaviour Questionnaire and the Exercise Behaviour Regulation Questionnaire (BREQ-3) was employed. In the athletes group, girls displayed higher values than boys in perspective-taking (p=.021), fantasy (p=.006), anxiety (p<.001), intrinsic regulation (p=.012), however, showed lower values in external regulation (p=.036). In the nonathletes group, girls showed higher values than boys in perspective-taking (p=.038), personal distress (p=.002), and anxiety (p=.032).Interactions between groups and sex indicated significant differences between boys in fantasy, aggression, isolation, and anxiety; there were significant differences in aggression in girls. The girls engaged in more prosocial conduct than the boys, while the nonathlete boys displayed more antisocial behaviour than the athlete boys. In conclusion, the associations between sports practice and the degree of antisocial or prosocial behaviour in adolescents could not be established. Moreover, several of the motivational factors that were investigated had no clear impact on either type of behaviour.Ítem Dominio físico de la alfabetización motriz y su relación con el disfrute en clases de Educación Física de estudiantes de 5to y 6to grado(Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF), 2024) Pavez Adasme, Gustavo; Cambilla, Rubén; Grez, Cristobal; Cárcamo Oyarzún, Jaime; Poblete Valderrama, Felipe; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Gómez Álvarez, NicolasEl objetivo de investigación fue analizar componentes del dominio físico de la alfabetización motriz y su relación con el disfrute en clases de educación física de estudiantes de 5to a 6to grado Material y método: Es una investigación descriptiva- correlacional de tipo no experimental. La muestra corresponde a 70 estudiantes de quinto (n=32) y sexto (n=38) grado. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron a través de cuestionarios de disfrute y competencia motriz percibida, mientras que para la aptitud física se aplicaron las pruebas de salto horizontal, abdominales y test de 1 milla, se registraron datos antropométricos de peso y talla para el índice de masa corporal. Se usó estadísticos descriptivos (media y desviación estándar) y análisis de correlación bivariada de Pearson para el análisis de los datos, por último, se aplicó un modelo de regresión lineal para explicar el comportamiento del disfrute con las demás variables. Resultados: Los resultados muestran correlación significativa entre disfrute y competencia motriz percibida y control de objetos (R=0.29 y R=0.34, respectivamente); entre disfrute y aptitud física en las variables de test de abdominales y test de 1 milla (R=0.37 y R=-0.31, respectivamente); y entre disfrute y antropometría, en las variables de peso e índice de masa corporal (ambas con R=-0.33). Conclusión: Los resultados sugieren que el disfrute se asocia con la dimensión física de la alfabetización motriz expresada en particular con la competencia motriz percibida en control de objetos, test de abdominales, test de 1 milla y el índice de masa corporal.Ítem EFECTOS DE LAS RESTRICCIONES COVD-19 EN LOS NIVELES DE ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y EN LA SALUD DE LOS ESCOLARES ESPAÑOLES(D.A.A. Scientific Section Martos (Spain), 2024) Latorre Román, Pedro; Salas Sánchez, Jesús; Cardona Linares, Antonio J.; De la Casa Pérez, Ana; Mora, David; Martínez Redondo, Melchor; Muñoz Jiménez, Marcos; Manjón Pozas, Daniel de la C.; Aragón Vela, Jerónimo; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.Objetivo. Determinar el nivel de Actividad Física, el estado ponderal y la salud y calidad de vida de niños y niñas entre 7 a 16 años. Asimismo, se propuso un segundo objetivo: conocer el apoyo de las familias en la promoción de AF durante la pandemia. Métodos. Participaron 325 niños sanos andaluces (155 niñas) (edad= 9,18 ± 1,42 años). Se registraron datos antropométricos y se empelaron los cuestinarios: Sallis’ parent support scale para registrar la importancia que le dan los progenitores a la actividad física de sus hijos e hijas, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory que trata de cuantificar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, y el Physical Activity Questionnaire For Children que mide el nivel de actividad física de niños y adolescentes. Resultados. El 72.6 % de los escolares habían reducido durante la pandemia su nivel de AF, el 58.8 % indicaba que en su localidad se había reducido la oferta de AF y deportiva y el 72.9 % señaló que en su localidad habían cerrado las instalaciones deportivas. Se observó un alto tiempo de uso de pantallas (4.68±1.59 horas diarias). La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad fue del 16.2 % y del 13.5 % respectivamente. Discusión. Los datos epidemiológicos de prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad pre-pandémicos en niños españoles oscilan entre el 21.4 % y el 14.2 %, en el actual estudio encontramos porcentajes de entre 16.2 % y 13.5 % respectivamente. Los valores en el PAQ medios prepandemia eran 3.54 para niños y 3.31 para niñas de Educación Primaria. Estos valores son superiores a los encontrados en el actual estudio. Conclusiones. La pandemia COVID-19 en España ha supuesto una reducción de las posibilidades de realización de AF en escolares, lo cual podría ser la causa del alto uso de pantallas. A pesar de este escenario obesogénico, los niveles de sobrepeso y obesidad, de riesgo cardiometabólico y de salud y calidad de vida de los niños, fueron similares a referencias pre-pandémicas.Ítem Análisis de la marcha y la carrera en edades tempranas en relación al sexo y a la edad. Revisión narrativa(2023) Consuegra González, Pedro; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Latorre Román, Pedro A.La carrera y la marcha son Habilidades Motrices Básicas (HMB), que se ven afectadas por cambios en el desarrollo motor y el control neuronal, especialmente en población preescolar. Objetivo: analizar la literatura y evaluar la evidencia sobre las HMB, teniendo en cuenta la influencia del sexo y la edad en edades tempranas. Metodología: se seleccionaron 14 estudios que estudian la influencia del sexo y edad en las HMB en edades de 3 a 16 años, en las bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus y Pubmed. Resultados: las HMB varían según la condición descalzo o calzado. Durante la carrera, en condición descalzo hay menor prevalencia de Apoyo Retrasado (AR), con disminución en los niños de más de 6 años. Existen diferencias en la prevalencia de AR, aumentando en los participantes de mayor edad, con independencia de su condición en la pisada. Los niños de 3-6 años desempeñaban peor las HMB respecto a los de más de 6 años. Conclusión: Las HMB están condicionadas principalmente por la edad y por el sexo. Se ha evidenciado un aumento significativo de la prevalencia de AR en relación a los niños de mayor edad en la marcha y carrera. Los niños de menor edad desempeñan un peor control sobre los movimientos con peor desempeño de HMB. De manera especial en la carrera, las HMB están condicionadas por el tipo de calzado o por la condición descalzo, existiendo menor prevalencia de AR en condición descalzo.Ítem La formación docente en actividades físicas en el medio natural en la Educación Física en España: Un análisis de los planes de estudio universitarios(2024, 2024) Hurtado Barroso, Miguel; González Melero, Estrella; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Latorre Román, PedroResumen. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la presencia de las Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural (AFMN) en los planes de estudio del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en universidades públicas de España. Se realizó una revisión docu-mental descriptiva de 26 planes de estudios. Los resultados muestran que, en promedio, se dedican aproximadamente 2.42 asignaturas, teniendo en su mayoría una carga lectiva de 6 ETC, a la formación de futuros docentes en AFMN, sin embargo, la oferta de asignaturas varía entre 1-7 y se observan universidades donde no se oferta ninguna asignatura de estas características. Las actividades con mayor presencia en los planes de estudios son la orientación, la escalada y los primeros auxilios La investigación muestra una escasa dedicación de créditos hacia este tipo de contenidos, lo cual reafirma la necesidad de una mayor formación inicial en relación a las AFMN en CAFYD.Ítem Habits of healthy living in adults former athletes of federated competition in the modality of volleyball in the province of Jaen(Asociación Española de Análisis del Rendimiento Deportivo, 2024-04-23) Torres Guerrero, Juan; Caracuel Cáliz, Rafael; Collado Fernández, Diego; Torres Campos, Beatriz; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Cepero González, María del MarThe main objective of this research is to know the healthy lifestyle habits of people who participated in federated competitions in volleyball in the province of Jaén once their competitive stage has ended. Therefore, to investigate whether people who in their adolescence and youth practiced a federated competitive sport in volleyball, maintain healthy lifestyle habits, referring to diet, quality of sleep, level of physical activity practice and their physical condition, in their stage of adulthood and seniority. This research has been carried out though a descriptive, cross-sectional, single measurement (Ato et al., 2013), and interpretive research; in which former athletes responded to a questionnaire about their daily habits related to health; In addition, to know the information through self-completed surveys by those who were captains and technicians of the volleyball clubs, in order to better understand their current healthy habits. The total number of subjects studied was 199 people, of which 18 were captains and 21 were coaches. When asking people about their eating habits, the majority values correspond to the response option “good”, both in women (61.5%) and in men (48.8%). The different groups of participants in the research state that they attach great importance to eating habits, nutrition, and diet quality in their daily lives. 84.6% of women and 91.9% of men consider that their current level of physical fitness is based on the sports practice of their youth. Physical-sports practice as a healthy lifestyle habit is incorporated as a healthy lifestyle habit mostly in the former athletes and sports technicians participating in this research.Ítem Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Muscle Strength for the Prevention and Treatment of Sarcopenia in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature(MDPI, 2024-02-25) Morcillo Losa, José A.; Díaz Martínez, Pilar; Íbrahin Ceylan, Halil; Moreno Vecino, Beatriz; Luigi Bragazzi, Nicola; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.Abstract: Sarcopenia is a significant health concern primarily affecting old adult individuals, characterized by age-related muscle loss, and decreased strength, power, and endurance. It has profound negative effects on overall health and quality of life, including reduced independence, mobility, and daily activity performance, osteoporosis, increased fall and fracture risks, metabolic issues, and chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. Preventive strategies typically involve a combination of proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Among strength training exercises, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) stands out as the most effective approach for improving muscle function in older adults with sarcopenia. The current review identifies and summarizes the studies that have examined the effects of HIIT on muscle strength in older adults as an element of the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia. A systematic search using several computerized databases, namely, MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science, was performed on 12 January 2023, according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 224 studies were initially retrieved. A total of five studies met the selection criteria. HIIT training shows improvements in body composition and functional and cardiorespiratory capacity, has benefits on muscle strength, increases muscle quality and architecture, and is associated with muscle hypertrophy in healthy older adults. Nonetheless, given the shortcomings affecting primary research in terms of the limited number of studies and the high risk of bias, further research is warranted.Ítem VALIDACIÓN DE INSTRUMENTO DE PERCEPCIÓN DEL RIESGO EN DOCENTES DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA(Comunidad Virtual Ciencias del Deporte, 2022) Lucena Zurita, Manuel; Latorre Román, Pedro A.; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Manjón Pozas, DanielEl objetivo de esta investigación ha sido diseñar y validar un instrumento que permita conocer la capacidad de percepción y prevención del riesgo durante la práctica docente en las clases de Educación Física. Se trata de un cuestionario de observación sobre acciones dicotómicas, incluyendo tres subescalas: comportamientos preactivos, interactivos y postactivos a la acción didáctica, relacionados con seguridad activa y pasiva en la clase de Educación Física. El cuestionario ha sido examinado por un total de 15 expertos de distintos niveles educativos en una primera fase y por diez más en la segunda. El cuestionario quedó ajustado a los tópicos de validez y fiabilidad científica de Lawshe y prueba de concordancia de Kendall, quedando validado con un total de 41 ítems.Ítem FUERZA, VELOCIDAD DE MARCHA Y TIEMPO DE REACCIÓN EN ADULTOS MAYORES ACTIVOS(Comunidad virtual Ciencias del Deporte, 2022) Al Nayf Mantas, M.R.; Párraga Montilla, J.A.; Lozano Aguilera, E.; López García, S.; Moral García, J.E.El envejecimiento implica pérdida de funcionalidad, existiendo una asociación entre mayores niveles de fuerza, de velocidad de marcha y de tiempo de reacción con un buen estado de salud. El objetivo es analizar el nivel de capacidades físicas y perceptivas de los participantes en un programa de actividad física. Participaron 170 adultos mayores (93 mujeres), de 65±6,8 años. La fuerza se midió con el press de banca, test de la silla y la prensión manual. La velocidad de la marcha en 8 y 30 m se midió con células fotoeléctricas y el tiempo de reacción con sistema optogait. Los resultados muestran un buen nivel de condición física, siendo los más mayores más lentos y con peor reacción a un estímulo. La fuerza disminuye al avanzar la edad, pero puede mantenerse en óptimos niveles con la práctica regular de actividad física.Ítem Effect of Exercise Intensity on Psychomotor Vigilance During an Incremental Endurance Exercise in Under-19 Soccer Players(HUMAN KINETICS, 2022) González Fernández, Francisco T.; Latorre Román, Pedro A.; Párraga Montilla, Juan A.; Castillo Rodríguez, Alfonso; Clemente, Filipe ManuelThe aim of this study was to analyze the acute effects of an incremental resistance test on psychomotor vigilance in 16 soccer players under-19 years old (age 16.42 ± 0.85 years). Borg 15-point subjective perception of effort scale, the psychomotor vigilance task test, and the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test were used. Four evaluation sessions were conducted with different intensities of efforts (30%–40%, 60%–75%, 80%–90%, and 100%) on different days (counterbalanced order). A repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed in the reaction time of the psychomotor vigilance task. The results showed that participants responded faster during efforts between 80% and 90% of maximal oxygen uptake (501.20 ± 70.77 ms). From that threshold, the players decreased their performance through a longer reaction time (601.23 ± 85.05 ms; p value < .001). The main findings were that the reaction time performance was worse at the lowest and highest effort conditions (5 and 17 km/hr, respectively). This fact helps to focus on the importance of designing and proposing training tasks with medium–high efforts to provoke optimal reaction times in young soccer players.Ítem Cardiac Evaluation of Exercise Testing in a Contemporary Population of Preschool Children: A New Approach Providing(MDPI, 2022-05-05) Latorre Román, Pedro A.; Martínez Redondo, Melchor; Salas Sánchez, Jesús; Consuegra González, Pedro; Sarabia Cachadiña, Elena; Aragón Vela, Jerónimo; Párraga Montilla, Juan A"Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate cardiac autonomic function at rest, during maximal exercise, and in post-exercise recovery, to determine sex-specific and age-specific differ- ences in resting heart rate (RHR), linear and spectral parameters of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), HRpeak, and heart rate recovery (HRR) after one and five minutes, in preschool children. This study involved a cohort of 167 healthy children (79 girls) aged 3 to 6 years that were selected from several schools in southern Spain. A 10 × 20 m test was conducted, and the cardiovascular response was recorded. No significant differences were found in all variables between the sexes. However, a sig- nificant reduction in RHR and an increase in HRR were found from age 4 to age 6. HRV parameters at rest were higher in older children. No associations between 10 × 20 m performance, weight status, and cardiac parameters were found. Simple linear regression analysis revealed that heart rate re- serve (HRr), HRR5 min, RMSSD, and HF were the variables that showed association with all HR pa- rameters. There was also a significant correlation between HRr and HRR5 min. In conclusion, cardio- vascular autonomic function during rest, exercise, and recovery in Spanish preschool children was not influenced by sex, although older children showed greater cardiovascular modulation. Cardirespiratory fitness status was not associated with HR response."