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Title: Ke Dise, Mi Arma? Dialectal Varieties in WhatsApp Digital Norm of Andalusian Adolescent Speakers
Authors: Gómez-Camacho, Alejandro
Núñez-Román, Francisco
Llorent-Vaquero, Mercedes
Villaciervos-Moreno, Patricia
Abstract: This article analyzes the written expression in WhatsApp-type instant messaging applications of Andalusian adolescents who are in the last years of compulsory education in Spain. It aims to establish the relationship between the most relevant characteristics of the digital norm used by Andalusian adolescents in their communications through WhatsApp and the dialectal characteristics of their variety of Spanish. Additionally, this study intends to determine whether the writing norm in instant messaging applications influences the standard orthography of Spanish in school texts. A quantitative methodology has been used, analyzing objective data and carrying out a systematic and structured information collection process. A descriptive research design was employed using textual content analysis. The results show that the dialectal linguistic identity of Andalusian adolescent speakers on WhatsApp is mainly identified with suprasegmental linguistic features such as intonation and rhythm. Textisms related to the loss of the intervocalic -d- stand out, as well as those which reproduce the different realizations of the phonemes /s/ and /ʝ/. These features characterize the norm used by adolescent Andalusian speakers and coincide with the features that distinguish their way of pronouncing Spanish. The results show that these textisms are not related to the standard orthography of Spanish and do not cause non-standard orthography.
Keywords: writing
Andalusian Spanish
Spanish spelling
instant messaging applications
Issue Date: 2023
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: Este trabajo cuenta con la financiación del proyecto «La escritura digital del alumnado adolescente en Andalucía. La mensajería instantánea y sus implicaciones educativas» que es un proyecto de la Universidad de Sevilla (US-1380916) cofinanciado por el Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de la Unión Europea y por la Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía (España).
Citation: Gómez-Camacho, A., Núñez-Román, F., Llorent-Vaquero, M., & Villaciervos-Moreno, P. (2023). Ke dise, mi arma? Dialectal varieties in WhatsApp digital norm of Andalusian adolescent speakers. Languages, 8(2), 94.
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