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Title: Optimal electrification of off-grid smart homes considering flexible demand and vehicle-to-home capabilities
Authors: Tostado-Véliz, Marcos
León-Japa, Rogelio S.
Jurado-Melguizo, Francisco
Abstract: The emergence of novel demand-side management strategies is provoking that residential consumers cannot be longer categorized as inflexible loads. In that sense, new paradigms such as flexible demand and vehicle-to-home capabilities have appeared on pursuing a more efficient management of the different domestic assets such as smart appliances, small renewable generators and storage facilities. Consideration of such kind of management strategies plays a vital role on designing stages of electrifications systems for isolated homes. In this regard, a proper evaluation of possible demand-side capabilities enables a more accurate evaluation of the electrification project. This paper tackles this issue by developing a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation for optimal planning of electrification systems for off-grid dwellings. The developed framework allows to incorporate and analyse advanced demand-side strategies such as deferrable loads and vehicle-to-home processes by evaluating different project costs over various time horizons. The proposed approach is applied to a benchmark off-grid residential case study and various results are provided and analysed. As the most relevant result, it is worth remarking that total project cost can be reduced by ~21.2% and ~25.73% by considering flexible demand and vehicle-to-home capabilities, respectively. Nevertheless, the highest monetary savings were achieved when both strategies are jointly adopted, reducing the total project cost up to ~41.5%. The reported results demonstrate the importance of considering the different demand-side strategies on planning stages of electrification systems for off-grid dwellings.
Keywords: Off-grid smart home
Flexible demand
Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Rogelio S. León-Japa, Francisco Jurado, Optimal electrification of off-grid smart homes considering flexible demand and vehicle-to-home capabilities, Applied Energy, Volume 298, 2021, 117184, ISSN 0306-2619,
Appears in Collections:DIE-Artículos

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