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Title: Electrical consequences of large-scale replacement of metal halide by LED luminaires
Authors: Hermoso Orzáez, Manuel Jesús
Rojas Sola, José Ignacio
Gago Calderón, Alfonso
Abstract: The recent trend for large-scale replacement of luminaires using discharge light sources with LED luminaires without any significant adjustments to the electrical installation has generated controversy. This study examines the main electrical measures in a large outdoor lighting installation before and after the replacement of a large number of metal halide floodlights with LED luminaires. The electrical parameters of both technologies are discussed in detail and compared, with special attention given to the odd-numbered harmonics of voltage and current, the generated wave deformation, currents in the neutral conductor, the wattless reactive volt amps and the peak inrush currents. At cold start-up, the LED luminaires generate large power-on currents, much larger than those generated by the metal halide lamps, despite requiring 36% less real installed power. This is a basic problem to be solved when planning a public lighting renovation with LED luminaires as the rest of electrical parameters are reduced. To address this problem, it is proposed to energise the luminaires using magneto-thermal protection circuits with slow trip curves that will tolerate the large short-term inrush currents.
Keywords: Energy-efficiency
Issue Date: 4-May-2016
Publisher: SAGE Publications LTD
Citation: Hermoso-Orzáez, MJ; Rojas-Sola, JI; Gago-Calderón, A. Electrical consequences of large-scale replacement of metal halide by LED luminaires. Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; 50: 282–293. DOI:
Appears in Collections:DIGDP-Artículos

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