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  • Ítem
    Digital preservation and virtual 3D reconstruction of "The Baker’s house" in the archaeological site of Torreparedones (Baena, Cordoba-Spain)
    (Elsevier, 2022-02-28) Cáceres-Criado, Irene; Triviño-Tarradas, Paula; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; García-Molina, Diego Francisco
    Torreparedones archaeological site is in the heart of the Cordoba countryside. The documentation of the domus “The Bakers’s house” took place, being a key heritage asset for understanding its spaces. The domus, is named after the conservation of the floor from a Roman bread oven. Also, the preservation of the base of a Roman rotating mill implies the elaboration of bakery products in this house. Due to the lack of archaeological remains, it is necessary to carry out a thorough literature review, working on the interpretation of each area. Thanks to the bibliography of contemporary domus, the interpretation of the residential area spaces is achieved, as well as the interpretation of architectural and decorative issues. The main research objective was to obtain solid documentation to perform the 3D model of the Baker’s domus and its display by decoding QR code, that facilitates the conservation of existing Andalusian Archaeological heritage
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    Comprehensive design of the 3D printing process for architectural models. A case study: the medieval walled enclosure of Priego De Cordoba (E1:200)
    (Springer, 2024-03-26) García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Carmona-Ávila, Rafael; Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel
    Nowadays, an object can be viewed both physically and virtually. In both cases, the visualization process consists in a continuous variation of the observer’s perspective. When looking at objects, visual interactivity is achieved by the tandem formed by human vision and the position of the observer. 3D technology allows the viewer to delve into this aspect: starting from a virtual reconstruction. It is possible to go from the virtual 3D reconstruction of a model shown on a display to a real element materialized by means of a scale model or prototype. The innovation of this research lies in the development of an efficient method for printing 3D models, with a specific emphasis on material and time savings. This study aims to obtain the three-dimensional physical model of the walled enclosure of the city of Priego de Córdoba in the Middle Ages, at its time of greatest historical development, i.e., in the late 15th century. To this end, 3D printing technology was applied, which is an innovative method for the realization of architectural scale models. The performance of 3D printers, with different printing formats, was evaluated in terms of efficiency and quality of the architectural scale models. Our theoretical assumption showed that material saving is determined by the orography slopes of the model. Obtaining slopes with values in the range of 1–5%, a large format printer is the most suitable option; in the range of 5–15%, the medium format printer is recommended; and, for a slope greater than 15%, the small format printer should be used.
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    (UNIV POLITECNICA VALENCIA, EDITORIAL UPV, 2018-03-26) Lopez-Quintero, Javier Luís; García-Molina, Diego Francisco
    La emblemática almazara Puente de Tablas situada en Priego de Córdoba se ha perdido con el paso de los años debido a las diferentes obras de urbanización y reconstrucción realizadas en la zona. Este artículo resume tanto el estudio de la ubicación como de la reconstrucción virtual 3D de todos sus componentes constructivos y funcionales, valiéndose del descubrimiento del plano inédito conservado desde 1802 –época en la que la almazara aún estaba activa– en el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Granada. También se hace uso de: (a) los escasos restos que aún perduran, (b) los estudios arqueológicos realizados en esta ubicación, (c) construcciones similares en comarcas cercanas, así como de (d) las últimas técnicas de levantamiento de patrimonio cultural existentes realizadas con escáner láser.
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    Proposition for the graphic representation, interpretation and evaluation of the degree of terrain resolution in virtual reconstructions
    (ELSEVIER, 2023-07-25) Cáceres-Criado, Irene; Triviño-Tarradas, Paula; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; García-Molina, Diego Francisco
    The Seville Principles gather in their definitions the 3D representation of heritage assets in their context, that is, elements such as the surroundings and landscape, for both virtual reconstructions and virtual recreations. Currently, there are few virtual reconstructions that implement the historical-archaeological evidence scale to show the veracity of the work that has been carried out. Moreover, none of the existing propositions of historical-archaeological evidence scales consider the veracity of the represented terrain. Authors assign a neutral colour to the terrain, different from those applied to the evidence levels, in order to differentiate the former from the latter. The present study proposes the development of a methodology to implement a resolution scale that graphically represents, interprets and evaluates the setting of the terrain associated with virtual reconstructions. To this end, a literature review was conducted on the existing methodologies for the creation of Digital Terrain Models (DTM). The evaluation of the analysed information was key for the selection of the resolution levels, which was followed by the selection of the colours associated with each resolution level, taking into account the subjective connotations of colours.
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    Three 3D graphics engineering technologies for fallow deer antlers characterization in ecology and management approaches
    (SPRINGER, 2024-12-03) Montalvo‑Gil, Juan Manuel; Azorit, Concepción; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel
    Numerous studies focus on creating 3D-models of biological elements for geometric evaluation using CAD tools. A crucial aspect is to obtain accurate geometrical data that is easy to obtain and cost-effective for analysis. The main objective is to evaluate the geometrical accuracy of 3D-models obtained with three graphical techniques of three-dimensional geometrical documentation that characterise the fallow deer antlers in an accurate 3D-model, which is used as input data in biological analyses estimating hunting quality, asymmetry and volume. Three technologies are evaluated: structured light scanning, multi-image photogrammetry (SfM), Structure from Motion, and spatial photogrammetric restitution using two photographs in a CAD system. The geometric accuracy of the 3D-models obtained and the deviation between relevant points of the antler structure, in the main beam, in the main tines and palm, are estimated. Subsequently, the suitability of each 3D-model is studied according to the type of biological application for which it is intended. Based on the results, solid and axial 3D-models, the applicability of the three techniques for the study of biological parameters such as hunting quality, asymmetry and volume is discussed. It concludes on the most appropriate procedure to define the digital characterisation of the antler, depending on the type of biological study to be carried out in order to obtain accurate results. Characterising a geometrically complex structure such as the fallow deer antler in a 3D-model quickly and accurately can help to quantify various biomarkers in populations of specimens, making it possible to infer internal and external influencing factors.
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    Study of the engineering evolution of the wine industry through the classical painting
    (FEDERACION ASOCIACIONES INGENIEROS INDUSTRIALES ESPANA, 2020-01-01) Montes-Balado, Nieves; Sánchez-Pineda de las Infantas, María Teresa; Burgos-Ladrón de Guevara, Enrique; García-Molina, Diego Francisco
    La evolución de la agricultura y la industria agroalimentaria puede estudiarse a partir de numerosas fuentes, pero una de las más apasionantes es hacerlo a través de la pintura. Las primeras representaciones artísticas aparecen en la cultura egipcia en las tumbas de los faraones. Más adelante la mitología griega y romana constituye uno de los grandes temas de la pintura europea ya que estas culturas han asociado los cultivos mediterráneos y su transformación a una divinidad protectora. En la mitología griega, el Dios del vino era Dionisio y en la mitología romana lo conocerá como el dios Baco. Las escenas mitológicas han sido abundantes en la pintura clásica, especialmente en los artistas del Renacimiento. Asociar la ingeniería agrícola y más concretamente los distintos procesos mecánicos existentes en la elaboración del vino y como estos se han representado pictóricamente según distintos conceptos ideológicos ha sido un reto muy amplio y difícil de abordar. Por lo tanto, en el presente trabajo veremos cómo han sido tratados por pintores medievales de comienzos de la edad Moderna, el cultivo de la vid y la extracción del zumo de la uva, en tres pasajes menos conocidos por nuestra sociedad moderna: en primer lugar la vendimia y el lagar de los beatos, seguido de el lagar místico, el pisado de las uvas en el maestro Wenceslao y como se ha asociado la evolución de los equipos vitivinícolas y su representación hasta nuestro días para finalmente dejar de ser atractivos para su representación. En las obras estudiadas hemos observado, como la técnica y los equipos existentes ha perdurado durante muchos siglos en los lagares medievales, pero eso si el simbolismo y la iconografía han sido factores directos que condicionaban la representación pictórica en los procesos vitivinícolas.
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    Graphic representation of the degree of historical-archaeological evidence: the 3D reconstruction of the “Baker’s House”
    (SPRINGER, 2022-03-11) Cáceres-Criado, Irene; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Mesas-Carrascosa, Francisco Javier; Triviño-Tarradas, Paula
    Over the years, the methodologies used for graphic representation in archaeology have evolved. The substantial change in representation was achieved with the use of computer software. Currently, 3D sketch scanning and photogrammetry are predominating tools used in this field. A new methodology, i.e., the use of the historical-archaeological evidence level scale, has entered this discipline to show the veracity of archaeological studies, as well as that of the vestiges found. The present study is focused on the virtual reconstruction of the ‘Baker’s House’ in the archaeological site of Torreparedones (Córdoba, Spain). The main aim of this study was to show and identify the veracity of the obtained reconstruction, through the use of the historical-archaeological evidence scale and the elaboration of a typological rank. The methodology used shows the evidence level employed by experts in the creation of virtual representations. The dissemination of the proposed historical-archaeological evidence scale entails the graphical identification of the veracity of reconstructions in this type of representations, always complying with the scientific quality criteria established by the Seville Letter.
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    New approach for optimizing the interpretation and representation of the degree of historical‑archaeological evidence in the virtual reconstructions
    (SPRINGER, 2022-10-10) Cáceres-Criado, Irene; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Mesas-Carrascosa, Francisco Javier; Triviño-Tarradas, Paula
    Virtual reconstruction is defined as the visual recovery of a building or object through the creation of a three-dimensional model of the asset to be reconstructed, in a historical context. To provide the degree of veracity to the virtual reconstructions performed in the scope of heritage, the so-called historical-archaeological evidence scale emerged. Some authors have already used this methodology to provide their reconstructions with the degree of evidence, although none of the current propositions of evidence scales have been standardised to date. Moreover, it is still important to disseminate such scales as much as possible, since it has been shown that neither experts in this field of knowledge nor common users know about this methodology. The aim of this study was to design and create a new proposition of historical-archaeological evidence scale based on the achromatism and implement it in the ‘Baker’s House’ at the archaeological site of Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba, Spain). To carry out this investigation, it was essential to compare and analyse each proposition of historical-archaeological evidence scale. The qualitative and quantitative studies about the existing scale propositions also played a fundamental role in the realisation of this work. These results, in addition to the chromatic study, support the creation of a new proposition of historical-archaeological evidence scale, designed for any type of viewer. Each phase of the study met the quality standards established for this type of research.
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    3D documentation for the conservation of historical heritage: the Castle of Priego de Córdoba (Spain)
    (Virtual Archaeology Review, 2021-01-19) García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Ramón González-Merino; Jesús Rodero-Pérez
    One of the main objectives of heritage management policies is to promote measures aimed at the maintenance, restoration and enhancement of cultural and archaeological assets. To guarantee this, the responsible institutions must promote actions for the dissemination and transference of cultural heritage, as well as promoting actions with the greatest possible rigour, developing scientific and technical studies that support and improve intervention methods. Recent technological advances in fields such as photogrammetry, digital terrestrial scanning and 3D modelling have made a significant contribution to the digital preservation and dissemination of architectural heritage. European administrations, in their desire of regional development, as well as the central or local governments have notably boosted the recovery of their rich and diverse heritage. A particular case is Priego de Cordoba’s Castle, a stronghold which was one of the most important monumental icons of the Andalusian period. Currently, this site is the main target of many architectural interventions and a model due to the implementation of last generation techniques in digital preservation. The local archaeological department promotes a large number of interventions and archaeological excavations. This has made a priority to get a qualitative geometrical 3D documentation, and therefore a constantly updated the point cloud(xyzRGB). This paper is focussed on presenting the results of the digital preservation process through 2D planimetry obtained from photogrammetric technics, 3D models, and geospatial data. These techniques are a previous step to large architectonical intervention planned in Priego de Cordoba’sCastle, in particular, the identified structures as Wall 1 and Tower 1. Two out of the three studied structures can be found in Wall 1. They correspond to a cobblestone pavement located in the rampart of the Wall 1, which is a post-medieval period; a double-stepped semi-underground path, excavated in the infill of the wall. The third structurestudied in this paper consists of a well, which drills vertically the infill of the wall of the Tower 1. This feature is interpreted in the last research as a vertical well to place the weights of the clock sited in this tower until the 19thcentury. This work combines two techniques of geometric documentation to obtaina more complete point cloud. The terrestrial laser scanning, and the photogrammetry due to the higher colour performance, along with the completion of the point cloud obtained with the laser scanner. Alongwiththis study,we will analyse the features which will better define the best technique to fit the documentation of the different structures. Their geometric characteristics, the incidence of sunlight or the accessibility will condition the use and choice of the technique.We have statedthat there is software nowadays which makes it easier to access and consult the information through new computing hardware. Besides, we have highlighted the importance of knowledge and synergy from the different stakeholder simplied (city council, technological centre and private companies). The final goal consists of making the society aware of the capital importance of digital preservation as well as dissemination of science.
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    Digitalization and 3D Documentation Techniques Applied to Two Pieces of Visigothic Sculptural Heritage in Merida Through Structured Light Scanning
    (Editorial Association for Computing Machinery, 2021-08-20) García-Molina, Diego Francisco; López-Lago, Samuel; Hidalgo-Fernández, Rafael Enrique; Triviño-Tarradas, Paula
    Technological advancements have a great impact on the dissemination and understanding of the cultural heritage reality due to innovative techniques. These innovations are based on high-precision and high-resolution technologies that allow for the geometric documentation of any object within the fields of history and the arts. Through these techniques, new proposals may be studied and objects can be placed in any historical context. Three-dimensional (3D) digitization allows one to obtain a digital 3D model, which can be handled virtually and recreated at any historical period, enabling the conservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage. Society currently demands new visualization techniques that allow interacting with architectural and artistic heritage, which have been applied in numerous virtual reconstructions of historical sites or singular archaeological pieces. This project allowed us to geometrically document a reused piece with two surfaces (shield and columns) and a plaque of the city of Merida using a structured light scanner from a theoretical-practical perspective. The 3D virtual reconstruction of the pieces was accomplished within this study. The generation of QR codes enabled the interactive display of the heritage pieces. Likewise, a proposal was made to reuse the aforementioned pieces through virtual archaeology. The initial hypothesis is based on the possible existence of a Visigothic niche as an original form. This research reports significant advances in the conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage
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    Optimization of Modeling and 3D Printing of Architectural Elements in Historical Buildings Through the Systematization of Boolean Solid Operations
    (SPRINGER NATURE, 2023-02-14) García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel
    En ciertas ocasiones se encuentran modelos 3D que solo por visualizarse en la pantalla de un ordenador se cree que se puede imprimir en 3D. Para que realmente pueda ser así, cuando se diseña una pieza, hay que tener en cuenta que nuestro modelo ha de ser sólido y ha de estar completamente cerrado. El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en el modelado 3D tanto del exterior como del interior de la Torre del Homenaje de Priego de Córdoba. Dada la complejidad que posee el interior del citado modelo 3D se propone diseñar el interior de la torre como si fuese un molde 3D virtual en positivo y tras aplicar operaciones booleanas restar el citado molde 3D virtual al exterior de la torre. El objetivo consiste en conseguir un modelo 3D imprimible y realizar un análisis variando los modos de impresión.
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    Comprehensive design of the 3D printing process for architectural models. A case study: the medieval walled enclosure of Priego De Cordoba (E1:200)
    (SPRINGER NATURE, 2024-03-26) García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Carmona-Ávila, Rafael; Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel
    Nowadays, an object can be viewed both physically and virtually. In both cases, the visualization process consists in a continuous variation of the observer’s perspective. When looking at objects, visual interactivity is achieved by the tandem formed by human vision and the position of the observer. 3D technology allows the viewer to delve into this aspect: starting from a virtual reconstruction. It is possible to go from the virtual 3D reconstruction of a model shown on a display to a real element materialized by means of a scale model or prototype. The innovation of this research lies in the development of an efficient method for printing 3D models, with a specific emphasis on material and time savings. This study aims to obtain the three-dimensional physical model of the walled enclosure of the city of Priego de Córdoba in the Middle Ages, at its time of greatest historical development, i.e., in the late 15th century. To this end, 3D printing technology was applied, which is an innovative method for the realization of architectural scale models. The performance of 3D printers, with different printing formats, was evaluated in terms of efficiency and quality of the architectural scale models. Our theoretical assumption showed that material saving is determined by the orography slopes of the model. Obtaining slopes with values in the range of 1–5%, a large format printer is the most suitable option; in the range of 5–15%, the medium format printer is recommended; and, for a slope greater than 15%, the small format printer should be used.
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    Enhancing Complex Injection Mold Design Validation Using Multicombined RV Environments
    (MDPI, 2024-04-16) Mercado-Colmenero, Jorge Manuel; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Gutierrez-Jiménez, Bartolomé; Martín-Doñate, Cristina
    The intricate design of real complex injection molds poses significant challenges. Mold design validation often falls to operators with tool-handling experience but limited CAD proficiency. Unlike other industries, the scale and costs of injection mold fabrication hinder prototyping before production. Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a revolutionary solution offering a safe, immersive, and realistic experience and accessible using QR codes. This paper presents a new multimodal virtual environment tailored to validate mold design complexities. Integrating knowledge-enriched visual tools like interactive 3D models and dynamic visualizations enables users to explore complex mold designs. Statistical analyses, including the Wilcoxon test, unveil significant differences in interference detection, internal topology tracking, and validation of assembly and disassembly accessibility for both small and large mold components when comparing validation conducted through traditional means using solely CAD systems versus the utilization of multidimensional validation methods. Efficiency gains in using VR devices for mold design validation in a hybrid environment in the analysis of relative frequencies. The present study surpasses the state of the art illustrating how VR technology can substantially reduce manufacturing errors in injection molding processes, thereby offering important advantages for manufacturers emerging as an essential tool for this impact industry in the next years.
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    Modelado Tridimensional y Análisis Funcional de una Cabria para la extracción del mineral
    (DYNA INGENIERÍA E INDUSTRIA, 2013-07-27) Rojas-Sola, José Ignacio; Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Castro-García, Miguel
    En el presente artículo se analiza en detalle un ejemplo del patrimonio industrial minero del antiguo distrito minero de Linares-La Carolina (Jaén, España), como es una cabria de mampostería con su castillete metálico, utilizada en la extracción del mineral de plomo, concretamente de galena o sulfuro de plomo. En particular, se ha realizado el modelado tridimensional con ayuda de software paramétrico gracias a técnicas empíricas de cada uno de los elementos que componen el conjunto. Asimismo, una vez obtenido el modelo 3D, se ha realizado un análisis funcional mediante técnicas de Ingeniería Asistida por Ordenador, basadas en el análisis tensional y el análisis de desplazamientos, comprobando que las mayores concentraciones de tensiones se producen en la parte media e inferior de los muros, que los mayores valores de tensión se producen en los alrededores de los huecos de los muros, y que la mayor concentración de desplazamientos de la cabria de mampostería se encuentran en los muros en la parte media y superior, y del castillete en las correas de la cubierta.
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    Three 3D graphics engineering technologies for fallow deer antlers characterization in ecology and management approaches
    (SPRINGER NATURE, 2024-12-03) Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Azorit, Concepción; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel
    Numerous studies focus on creating 3D-models of biological elements for geometric evaluation using CAD tools. A crucial aspect is to obtain accurate geometrical data that is easy to obtain and cost-effective for analysis. The main objective is to evaluate the geometrical accuracy of 3D-models obtained with three graphical techniques of three-dimensional geometrical documentation that characterise the fallow deer antlers in an accurate 3D-model, which is used as input data in biological analyses estimating hunting quality, asymmetry and volume. Three technologies are evaluated: structured light scanning, multi-image photogrammetry (SfM), Structure from Motion, and spatial photogrammetric restitution using two photographs in a CAD system. The geometric accuracy of the 3D-models obtained and the deviation between relevant points of the antler structure, in the main beam, in the main tines and palm, are estimated. Subsequently, the suitability of each 3D-model is studied according to the type of biological application for which it is intended. Based on the results, solid and axial 3D-models, the applicability of the three techniques for the study of biological parameters such as hunting quality, asymmetry and volume is discussed. It concludes on the most appropriate procedure to define the digital characterisation of the antler, depending on the type of biological study to be carried out in order to obtain accurate results. Characterising a geometrically complex structure such as the fallow deer antler in a 3D-model quickly and accurately can help to quantify various biomarkers in populations of specimens, making it possible to infer internal and external influencing factors.
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    An interactive photogrammetric method for assessing deer antler quality using a parametric Computer-Aided Design system (Interactive Photogrammetric Measure Method)
    (ELSEVIER, 2016-07-19) Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel; Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Ramírez-Garrido, José Alberto; Martínez-Salmerón, Débora; Azorit, Concepción
    In the area of deer antler evaluation for trophy homologation, as well as in the obtaining of biometric databases for later analysis in the field of Geometric Morphometrics, different linear biometric tools have traditionally been used. In this study we used two sets of antlers from 29 Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) to develop and establish a new photogrammetric technique which creates the 3D model of the antler using a parametric 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD). This simple and reliable method for deer hunting trophy homologation was compared with the other two more extensively used methods of antler measurement, the traditional measuring tape and the Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machine (AACMM or CMA). The advantage of this innovative photogrammetric method is the use of only two photographs to obtain both the 3D model and the dimensions required for antler evaluation. A procedure was performed to compare lengths and antler evaluation as hunting trophy. The three methods showed similar reliability, although the photogrammetric process using the 3D CAD system was much faster and more functional than both the traditional measuring tape and Articulated Arm methods. Since this method only requires two photographs per individual, it makes possible the study of a high percentage of antlers in the field. This new photogrammetric method has been successfully used in the biometrics area, but it could become a more extensively used method in this and other fields because of its ease of operation, speed and accuracy of data collection.
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    Impact of topographic factors on animal field pathings: Analysis and prediction of deer movement patterns
    (ELSEVIER, 2024-01-19) Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Mercado-Colmenero, Jorge Manuel; Oya, Antonia; Carrasco, Rafael; Azorit, Concepción
    Understanding and tracking the complexities of animal movement patterns is of paramount importance in wildlife management, conservation efforts, and the sustainable use of natural resources. An infinite number of factors influence the movement path of animals within their respective habitats, including: the structure of the habitat, the availability of resources, the presence of natural predators, social memory, the topographic attributes of the environment, etc. Numerous studies have attempted to delineate the spatial boundaries of animal habitats by elucidating the complexities of their movement dynamics. These investigations have highlighted the profound impact of factors such as environmental topography and the presence of natural impediments and other anthropogenic structures on animal mobility, but very few have analyzed topographic factors at a fine three-dimensional spatial scale. This research focuses on a novel methodology for identifying animal trajectories at a fine scale and evaluating the influence of topographic factors on these trajectories, specifically of deer herds in southern Spain. To understand movement patterns, transects recorded in the field due to continued use by deer are analyzed. Topographical information was obtained in two steps: first with a graphical analysis of orthophotos for the incorporation of the sufficient data set. Secondly, the veracity of this data was verified using Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking technology. The integration of data from multiple sources with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allowed the analysis to be automated. Next a statistical linear regression model, based on both the ascent and descent lengths and the total length of the path traveled, was designed to infer the trajectories between two designated points within the study area. Using topographical variables obtained in the study environment, such as the slope, the elevation difference (cumulative vertical distance), and the 3D length of the transect paths, the influence of these variables on the movement decisions of animals within their habitat is established in order to facilitate their subsequent prediction. Analytical tests of the trajectories have shown that the movement behavior of cervids is predictable. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology presented which, by providing and collect valuable topographic information on movement and transit areas, can guide sustainable management practices for deer populations and their habitats.
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    A New Methodology, Based on a CAD System, for Evaluating Partial and Global Asymmetries in Deer Antlers from Hunting Quality Assessment Data
    (MDPI, 2024-06-22) Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Azorit, Concepción; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel
    In the field of biology, the 'biomarkers' of the different animal species are of great relevance, as well as the relationships between them and the quality of the habitat. A study was proposed, analysing the antlers of the Iberian deer, to measure the bilateral asymmetry of its branches. The antlers are characterised in a 3D CAD model of their axial structure obtained via photogrammetric restitution from two photographs. This method quantifies the global and partial asymmetries of the antler's structural features. The research evaluated 48 deer antlers from hunting days and taxidermy workshops. To quantify asymmetries, the measurements required are the same as those considered to assess the hunting quality of antlers. Bilateral deviations are estimated for each structural trait and the whole antler. Preliminary results showed a convergence between the values of global asymmetry and hunting quality. The methodology proved to be fast, inexpensive, and easy to implement, which facilitates its use in future asymmetry studies of other biological elements of animal or plant origin. It is only necessary that the starting data, which is the bilateral axial structure of the analysed element, is characterised in a 3D model.
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    Impact of 3D Digitising Technologies and Their Implementation
    (MDPI, 2024-12-14) Triviño-Tarradas, Paula; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Rojas-Sola, José Ignacio
    In recent years, 3D digitalisation has experienced significant growth, revolutionising the way we capture, process and use geometric data. Initially conceived for industrial applications, these technologies have expanded to multiple fields, offering unprecedented accuracy and versatility. Depending on the accuracy and efficiency to be achieved in a specific field of application, and on the analytical capacity, a specific 3D digitalisation technique or another will be used. This review aims to delve into the application of 3D scanning techniques, according to the implementation sector. The optimal geometry capturing and processing 3D data techniques for a specific case are studied as well as their limitations.
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    A new methodology, based on a CAD system, for evaluating partial and global asymmetries in deer antlers from hunting quality assessment data
    (MDPI, 2024-06-22) Montalvo-Gil, Juan Manuel; Azorit, Concepción; García-Molina, Diego Francisco; Valderrama-Zafra, José Manuel; Rubio-Paramio, Miguel Ángel
    In the field of biology, the "biomarkers" of the different animal species are of great relevance, as well as the relationships between them and with the quality of the habitat. A study has been proposed, analysing the antlers of the Iberian deer, to measure the bilateral asymmetry of its branches. The antlers are characterised in a CAD 3D-model of their axial structure obtained by photogrammetric restitution from two photographs. This method quantifies the global and par-tial asymmetries of the antler's structural features. The research evaluated 48 deer antlers from hunting days and taxidermy workshops. To quantify asymmetries, the measurements required are the same as those considered to assess the hunting quality of antlers. Bilateral deviations are estimated for each structural trait and for the whole antler. Preliminary results showed a con-vergence between the values of global asymmetry and hunting quality. The methodology proved to be fast, inexpensive and easy to implement, which facilitates its use in future asym-metry studies of other biological elements of animal or plant origin. It is only necessary that the starting data, the bilateral axial structure of the analysed element, is characterised in a 3D-model.