Solution of Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Renewable Energy Uncertainty Using a Novel Circle Search Algorithm
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Integrating renewable energy sources (RESs) into modern electric power systems offers various techno-economic benefits. However, the inconsistent power profile of RES influences the power flow of the entire distribution network, so it is crucial to optimize the power flow in order to achieve stable and reliable operation. Therefore, this paper proposes a newly developed circle search algorithm (CSA) for the optimal solution of the probabilistic optimal power flow (OPF). Our research began with the development and evaluation of the proposed CSA. Firstly, we solved the OPF problem to achieve minimum generation fuel costs; this used the classical OPF. Then, the newly developed CSA method was used to deal with the probabilistic power flow problem effectively. The impact of the intermittency of solar and wind energy sources on the total generation costs was investigated. Variations in the system’s demands are also considered in the probabilistic OPF problem scenarios. The proposed method was verified by applying it to the IEEE 57-bus and the 118-bus test systems. This study’s main contributions are to test the newly developed CSA on the OPF problem to consider stochastic models of the RESs, providing probabilistic modes to represent the RESs. The robustness and efficiency of the proposed CSA in solving the probabilistic OPF problem are evaluated by comparing it with other methods, such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and the hybrid machine learning and transient search algorithm (ML-TSO) under the same parameters. The comparative results showed that the proposed CSA is robust and applicable; as evidence, an observable decrease was obtained in the costs of the conventional generators’ operation, due to the penetration of renewable energy sources into the studied networks.
Palabras clave
Optimization, Probabilistic OPF, Solar energy, Wind energy, Circle search algorithm
Shaheen, M.A.M.; Ullah, Z.; Qais, M.H.; Hasanien, H.M.; Chua, K.J.; Tostado-Véliz, M.; Turky, R.A.; Jurado, F.; Elkadeem, M.R. Solution of Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow Incorporating Renewable Energy Uncertainty Using a Novel Circle Search Algorithm. Energies 2022, 15, 8303.