Denominaciones genéricas de alimentos: propuesta de un modelo de análisis y orientaciones para el diseño de sistemas de clasificación bajo un enfoque de marketing
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La función básica de los sistemas de clasificación de alimentos (SCAs) es informar al mercado sobre los tipos, calidad y características de los distintos tipos de alimentos. Sin embargo, a menudo presentan carencias que confunden al consumidor (ambigüedad, similitud o complejidad en los términos empleados). La finalidad principal de este trabajo es contribuir al desarrollo de SCAs eficaces, de tal modo que los consumidores, mercados y sociedad en general se beneficien de ellos. Para ello, se desarrolla y propone un modelo para analizar la calidad de cualquier SCA y se sugieren unas orientaciones para el diseño de SCAs útiles para los consumidores. El modelo y diferentes variaciones de SCAs se han probado de forma empírica mediante un experimento en un panel de consumidores online (n=960). Se concluye que el modelo propuesto es viable; se ofrecen sugerencias en el diseño de SCAs, y se sugieren cambios en algunos SCAs vigentes.
[EN]The main function of food classification systems (FCSs) is to regulate the market and inform it (consumers above all) about the different types of products and their characteristics. However, the reality is that many of these systems give rise to confusion and prevent consumers from obtaining a clear idea of them, making the purchasing process more difficult. The ultimate goal of this work is to contribute to the development of efficient FCSs so that the consumers, markets and society in general benefit from them. For that, a model to analyse the quality of any FCS is developed and proposed and also some orientations to design consumer effective FCSs are suggested. The model and different variations of FCSs were empirically tested by means of an online test-survey through a consumer panel (n=960). In conclusion, the proposed model is viable. Suggestions for the design are provided and modifications for some current FCSs.
[EN]The main function of food classification systems (FCSs) is to regulate the market and inform it (consumers above all) about the different types of products and their characteristics. However, the reality is that many of these systems give rise to confusion and prevent consumers from obtaining a clear idea of them, making the purchasing process more difficult. The ultimate goal of this work is to contribute to the development of efficient FCSs so that the consumers, markets and society in general benefit from them. For that, a model to analyse the quality of any FCS is developed and proposed and also some orientations to design consumer effective FCSs are suggested. The model and different variations of FCSs were empirically tested by means of an online test-survey through a consumer panel (n=960). In conclusion, the proposed model is viable. Suggestions for the design are provided and modifications for some current FCSs.
Palabras clave
Clasificación de Alimentos, Aprendizaje del Consumido, Aprendizaje del Consumidor, Orientación al Consumidor, Food Classification, Food Categorization, Consumer Learning, Consumer Orientation
Marano-Marcolini, Carla. Denominaciones genéricas de alimentos: propuesta de un modelo de análisis y orientaciones para el diseño de sistemas de clasificación bajo un enfoque de marketing. 2016, 309 p. []