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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Las Directivas 91/271/CEE y 2000/60/CE establecen que los Estados miembros deberán tener en cuenta el principio de recuperación de costes en los servicios relacionados con el agua. Este premisa ha justificado la creación e implementación de tributos ecológicos vinculados a las aguas residuales en los diferentes países europeos, que tienen como finalidad influir en la actuación de los agentes contaminantes y proporcionar a las administraciones competentes los recursos suficientes para sufragar actuaciones que permitan reducir la contaminación de las aguas vertidas. El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es comprobar si en España los ingresos derivados de los tributos sobre aguas residuales permiten cubrir los costes de explotación, mantenimiento e inversión de las instalaciones depuradoras y contribuyen a impulsar la reutilización. Además, se realiza un análisis comparativo sobre la presión fiscal sobre las aguas servidas en países de la UE y sus factores determinantes.
Directives 91/271/EEC and 2000/60/EC establish member States must take into account the principle of cost recovery in water-related services. This premise has justified the creation and implementation of ecological taxes linked to wastewater in the different European countries, whose purpose is to influence the actions of polluters and to provide competent bodies with sufficient resources to cover actions that reduce contamination of discharged wastewater. The objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to verify if the income derived from the taxes on wastewater in Spain allow to cover the costs of exploitation, maintenance and investment of the purification facilities and contribute to promote the reuse. In addition, a comparative analysis is carried out on the tax burden on wastewater in EU countries and its determining factors.
Directives 91/271/EEC and 2000/60/EC establish member States must take into account the principle of cost recovery in water-related services. This premise has justified the creation and implementation of ecological taxes linked to wastewater in the different European countries, whose purpose is to influence the actions of polluters and to provide competent bodies with sufficient resources to cover actions that reduce contamination of discharged wastewater. The objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to verify if the income derived from the taxes on wastewater in Spain allow to cover the costs of exploitation, maintenance and investment of the purification facilities and contribute to promote the reuse. In addition, a comparative analysis is carried out on the tax burden on wastewater in EU countries and its determining factors.
Palabras clave
Impuestos, reutilización, agua residual, protección medioambiental, Taxes, reuse, wastewater, environmental protection