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    Validation of the 1,4-butanediol thermoplastic polyurethane as a novel material for 3D bioprinting applications
    (John Wiley & Sons, 2020-11) Chocarro-Wrona, Carlos; de Vicente, Juan d; Antich, Cristina; Jiménez, Gema; Martínez-Moreno, Daniel; Carillo, Esmeralda; Montañez, Elvira; Gálvez-Martín, Patricia; Perán, Macarena; López-Ruiz, Elena; Marchal, Juan A
    Tissue engineering (TE) seeks to fabricate implants that mimic the mechanical strength, structure, and composition of native tissues. Cartilage TE requires the development of functional personalized implants with cartilage-like mechanical properties capable of sustaining high load-bearing environments to integrate into the surrounding tissue of the cartilage defect. In this study, we evaluated the novel 1,4-butanediol thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer (b-TPUe) derivative filament as a 3D bioprinting material with application in cartilage TE. The mechanical behavior of b-TPUe in terms of friction and elasticity were examined and compared with human articular cartilage, PCL, and PLA. Moreover, infrapatellar fat pad-derived human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were bioprinted together with scaffolds. in vitro cytotoxicity, proliferative potential, cell viability, and chondrogenic differentiation were analyzed by Alamar blue assay, SEM, confocal microscopy, and RT-qPCR. Moreover, in vivo biocompatibility and host integration were analyzed. b-TPUe demonstrated a much closer compression and shear behavior to native cartilage than PCL and PLA, as well as closer tribological properties to cartilage. Moreover, b-TPUe bioprinted scaffolds were able to maintain proper proliferative potential, cell viability, and supported MSCs chondrogenesis. Finally, in vivo studies revealed no toxic effects 21 days after scaffolds implantation, extracellular matrix deposition and integration within the surrounding tissue. This is the first study that validates the biocompatibility of b-TPUe for 3D bioprinting. Our findings indicate that this biomaterial can be exploited for the automated biofabrication of artificial tissues with tailorable mechanical properties including the great potential for cartilage TE applications. © 2020 The Authors. Bioengineering & Translational Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
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    Impact of Psychological Distress and Sleep Quality on Balance Confidence, Muscle Strength, and Functional Balance in Community-Dwelling Middle-Aged and Older People
    (MDPI, 2020-09-22) Fábrega-Cuadros, Raquel; Aibar-Almazán, Agustín; Martínez-Amat, Antonio; Hita-Contreras, Fidel
    The objective was to evaluate the associations of psychological distress and sleep quality with balance confidence, muscle strength, and functional balance among community-dwelling middle-aged and older people. An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted (n = 304). Balance confidence (Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale, ABC), muscle strength (hand grip dynamometer), and functional balance (Timed Up-and-Go test) were assessed. Psychological distress and sleep quality were evaluated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, respectively. Age, sex, physical activity level, nutritional status, and fatigue were included as possible confounders. Multivariate linear and logistic regressions were performed. Higher values of anxiety (OR = 1.10), fatigue (OR = 1.04), and older age (OR = 1.08) were associated with an increased risk of falling (ABC < 67%). Greater muscle strength was associated with male sex and improved nutritional status (adjusted R2 = 0.39). On the other hand, being older and using sleeping medication were linked to poorer functional balance (adjusted R2 = 0.115). In conclusion, greater anxiety levels and the use of sleep medication were linked to a high risk of falling and poorer functional balance, respectively. No associations were found between muscle strength and sleep quality, anxiety, or depression.
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    The role of high fat diets and liver peptidase activity in the development of obesity and insulin resistance in wistar rats
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-03) Dominguez-Vías, G.; Segarra, AB.; Ramirez-Sanchez, M.; Prieto, I.
    Las dietas ricas en grasas (HFD) se han asociado ampliamente con un mayor riesgo de trastornos metabólicos y sobrepeso. Sin embargo, se ha sugerido que una ingesta elevada de fuentes ricas en ácidos grasos monoinsaturados es un agente dietético que puede influir positivamente en el metabolismo energético y la función vascular. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar el papel de las grasas dietéticas en las actividades de las peptidasas hepáticas y los trastornos metabólicos. Tres dietas: estándar (S), HFD suplementada con aceite de oliva virgen (VOO) y HFD suplementada con mantequilla más colesterol (Bch), se administraron durante seis meses a ratas Wistar macho. Se recogieron muestras de plasma y hígado para el análisis de bioquímica clínica y actividades de aminopeptidasas (AP). La expresión de la óxido nítrico sintasa inducible (iNOS) también se determinó mediante Western blot en muestras de hígado. El suplemento dietético con VO no indujo obesidad, a diferencia del grupo Bch. Aunque la dieta VOO aumentó el tiempo necesario para volver a los niveles basales de glucosa plasmática, la relación insulina/glucosa en ayunas y el índice HOMA2-%B (un índice del modelo de homeostasis de la secreción de insulina y valoración de la utilidad de las células beta (% de secreción de células beta)) mejoraron. Se encontró un aumento de la actividad de la dipeptidil-peptidasa 4 unida a la membrana hepática (DPP4) solo en ratas VOO, incluso si no se obtuvieron diferencias en el péptido similar al glucagón 1 (GLP-1) plasmático en ayunas. Ambas dietas ricas en grasas indujeron cambios en el piroglutamil-AP hepático en la fracción soluble, pero solo la dieta Bch aumentó el tirosil-AP soluble. Las actividades de la angiotensina que están implicadas en el metabolismo de la angiotensina II (AngII) a AngIV aumentaron en la dieta VOO, lo que estuvo de acuerdo con la mayor actividad de la AP regulada por insulina (IRAP) en este grupo. Por otra parte, la dieta enriquecida con mantequilla aumentó la gamma-glutamil transferasa soluble (GGT) y Leucil-AP, la expresión de iNOS en el hígado y el NO plasmático. En resumen, el VOO aumentó la actividad hepática de AP que se relacionaron con el metabolismo de la glucosa (DPP4, angiotensinasas e IRAP). Sin embargo, la dieta Bch aumentó las actividades que están implicadas en el control de la ingesta de alimentos (Tirosina-AP), el índice de daño hepático (Leucina-AP y GGT) y la expresión de iNOS hepática y NO plasmático. En conjunto, estos resultados respaldan que la fuente de grasa en la dieta afecta varias actividades de peptidasas en el hígado, que podrían estar relacionadas con alteraciones en la conducta alimentaria y el metabolismo de la glucosa.
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    Neuropeptidase activity in the frontal cortex of Wistar-Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats treatedwith vasoactive drugs: A bilateral study
    (Wolters Kluwer Health, 2019-03) Prieto, I.; Segarra, AB.; Villarejo, AB.; de Gasparo, M.; Martinez-Cañamero, M.; Ramírez-Sánchez, M.
    La hipertensión puede provocar trastornos del estado de ánimo que pueden empeorar o mejorar según el tipo de antihipertensivo prescrito. La depresión se asocia a modificaciones de la asimetría cerebral basal, en particular la de la corteza frontal, que está implicada en el control de la presión arterial. Además, diferentes fármacos vasoactivos pueden cambiar la asimetría del cerebro de una manera que contribuya al estado cognitivo. Estudiamos la actividad bilateral de varias neuropeptidasas en la corteza frontal como reflejo del estado funcional de ciertos neuropéptidos implicados en el estado de ánimo. Utilizando derivados de arilamida como sustratos, analizamos fluorométricamente la actividad de estas enzimas en la corteza frontal izquierda y derecha de ratas control no tratadas Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) y ratas espontáneamente hipertensas (SHR) y comparamos sus actividades con WKY o SHR tratadas con los fármacos antihipertensivos captopril (CAP) y propranolol (PRO) o con el éster metílico de N (G)-nitro-L-arginina para la hipertensión. También se midió la PAS en todos los grupos WKY y SHR. Los pacientes WKY no tratados, WKY tratados con CAP o PRO y SHR tratados con CAP mostraron valores normotensos de PAS. Sin embargo, los pacientes WKY tratados con N(G)-nitro-L-arginina metil éster, así como los pacientes SHR no tratados y los pacientes SHR tratados con PRO y N(G)-nitro-L-arginina metil éster, mostraron valores hipertensos de PAS. Los cambios en la distribución bilateral de las neuropeptidasas dependieron de la cepa, la enzima analizada y el fármaco utilizado. Los grupos WKY normotensos (WKY, CAP, PRO) revelaron correlaciones intrahemisféricas principalmente en el hemisferio izquierdo. Por el contrario, los pacientes WKY tratados con N(G)-nitro-L-arginina metil éster y los grupos SHR demostraron correlaciones intrahemisféricas principalmente en el hemisferio derecho. Las correlaciones interhemisféricas se observaron principalmente en los grupos WKY así como en los SHR con tratamientos antihipertensivos (CAP, PRO). Nuestros resultados sugieren patrones bilaterales específicos de la actividad de las neuropeptidasas en el cerebro en WKY que cambian en SHR. Esta observación puede estar relacionada con los trastornos cognitivos que se han descrito en estos animales y que cambian con el tratamiento con fármacos antihipertensivos o antihipertensivos.
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    Associations of sleep and depression with obesity and sarcopenia in middle-aged and older adults
    (ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2020-12) Fábrega-Cuadros, Raquel; Cruz-Díaz, David; Martínez-Amat, Antonio; Aibar-Almazán, Agustín; Redecillas-Peiró, María Teresa; Contreras-Hita, Fidel
    Objectives: To analyze the association of depression and the quality and duration of sleep with general and abdominal obesity, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity (SO) in Spanish middle-aged and older adults. Study design and outcome measures: A total of 304 participants (72.04±7.88 years, 83.88% women) participated in this study. Body mass index, waist circumference, skeletal muscle mass index (bioelectrical impedance analysis), and hand-grip strength were used to evaluate sarcopenia, obesity, and SO. The Pittsburgh Sleep quality index was used for sleep quality. Sleep duration (hours) was categorized as either short (<6), normal (6-8), or long (>8). Depression was measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Fatigue (Fatigue Severity Scale), nutritional status (Mini Nutritional Assessment survey) and physical activity (PA) level (International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form) were also assessed. Independent associations were evaluated by multivariate logistic regressions. Results: Only depression was associated with sarcopenia (OR=1.10, 95% CI=1.02-1.19). Poorer sleep quality (OR=1.06, 95% CI=1.06-1.11) and short sleep duration (OR=2.63, 95% CI=1.45-4.78) were related to general obesity, as well as fatigue and low PA level. Poor sleep latency (OR=1.43, 95% CI=1.09-1.87) was linked to abdominal obesity, along with fatigue, low PA level, older age, and female sex. Finally, short sleep duration (OR=5.25, 95% CI=1.97-14.00), together with fatigue, low PA level, and male sex were associated with OS. Conclusion: Among Spanish middle-aged and older adults, after adjusting for potential confounding variables, depression was uniquely associated with sarcopenia, while short sleep duration was related to general and sarcopenic obesity, and poor sleep quality was linked to general and abdominal obesity.
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    Efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave therapy, compared to corticosteroid injections, on pain, plantar fascia thickness and foot function in patients with plantar fasciitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    (SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 2024-05-23) Cortes-Perez, Irene; Moreno-Montilla, Laura; Ibanez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; Diaz-Fernandez, Angeles; Obrero-Gaitan, Esteban; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
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    In non-specific low back pain, is an exercise program carried out through telerehabilitation as effective as one carried out in a physiotherapy center? A controlled randomized trial
    (Elsevier, 2023-06) Villatoro-Luque, Francisco J.; Rodríguez-Almagro, Daniel; Aibar-Almazán, Agustín; Fernández-Carnero, Samuel; Pecos-Martín, Daniel; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso J.; Achalandabaso-Ochoa, Alexander
    Background: s:The effectiveness of telerehabilitation (TLRH) in patients with non-specific low back pain (NLBP) remains unknown. No study till date has investigated the efficacy of a mobile-based TLRH in patients with NLBP. Objectives: To investigate if a TLRH program is as effective as a clinical exercise programme in improving disability, pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, and hip pain and strength in patients with NLBP. Design: Single-blind, two-armed, randomized controlled study. Method: A total of 71 individuals with NLBP were randomly allocated to either the TLRH home group (TLRH) or clinic group (CG). The TLRH followed exercise videos and read information on pain neurophysiology. The CG performed the same exercises and received on-site pain education. Both groups performed the exercises twice weekly for 8 weeks. Disability, pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, and hip pain and strength were assessed at baseline, at post-treatment, and at three months. Results: Statistically significant differences for time-by-group interaction were detected in the strength of left hip flexors (supine [F = 8.356; p = .005]; sitting [F = 9.828; p = .003]), right hip extensors with extended knee [F = 7.461; p = .008], left hip extensors (extended knee [F = 13.175; p = .001]; flexed knee [F = 13.505; p < .001]), pain during flexion of the right [F = 5.133; p = .027] and left [F = 4.731; p = .033] hips in the supine position, disability [F = 4.557; p = .014], and pain catastrophizing [F = 14.132; p < .001]. Conclusion: A TLRH mobile-based is as effective as clinical treatment in improving disability, pain catastrophizing, and pain and strength of the hip structures in patients with NLBP.
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    Leap Motion Controller Video Game-Based Therapy for Upper Extremity Motor Recovery in Patients with Central Nervous System Diseases. A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis
    (MDPI, 2021-03-15) Cortés-Pérez, Irene; Zagalaz-Anula, Noelia; Montoro-Cárdenas, Desirée; Lomas-Vega, Rafael; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Osuna-Pérez, María Catalina
    Leap Motion Controller (LMC) is a virtual reality device that can be used in the rehabilitation of central nervous system disease (CNSD) motor impairments. This review aimed to evaluate the effect of video game-based therapy with LMC on the recovery of upper extremity (UE) motor function in patients with CNSD. A systematic review with meta-analysis was performed in PubMed Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL, and PEDro. We included five randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of patients with CNSD in which LMC was used as experimental therapy compared to conventional therapy (CT) to restore UE motor function. Pooled effects were estimated with Cohen’s standardized mean difference (SMD) and its 95% confidence interval (95% CI). At first, in patients with stroke, LMC showed low-quality evidence of a large effect on UE mobility (SMD = 0.96; 95% CI = 0.47, 1.45). In combination with CT, LMC showed very low-quality evidence of a large effect on UE mobility (SMD = 1.34; 95% CI = 0.49, 2.19) and the UE mobility-oriented task (SMD = 1.26; 95% CI = 0.42, 2.10). Second, in patients with non-acute CNSD (cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease), LMC showed low-quality evidence of a medium effect on grip strength (GS) (SMD = 0.47; 95% CI = 0.03, 0.90) and on gross motor dexterity (GMD) (SMD = 0.73; 95% CI = 0.28, 1.17) in the most affected UE. In combination with CT, LMC showed very low-quality evidence of a high effect in the most affected UE on GMD (SMD = 0.80; 95% CI = 0.06, 1.15) and fine motor dexterity (FMD) (SMD = 0.82; 95% CI = 0.07, 1.57). In stroke, LMC improved UE mobility and UE mobility-oriented tasks, and in non-acute CNSD, LMC improved the GS and GMD of the most affected UE and FMD when it was used with CT.
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    Immersive virtual reality and augmented reality in anatomy education: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    (Wiley, 2024-02-12) García-Robles, Paloma; Cortés-Pérez, Irene; Nieto-Escámez, Francisco Antonio; García-López, Héctor; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Osuna-Pérez, María Catalina
    The purpose of this review was to (1) analyze the effectiveness of immersivevirtual reality (iVR) and augmented reality (AR) as teaching/learning resources(collectively called XR-technologies) for gaining anatomy knowledge compared totraditional approaches and (2) gauge students' perceptions of the usefulness of thesetechnologies as learning tools. This meta-analysis, previously registered in PROSPERO(CRD42023423017), followed PRISMA guidelines. A systematic bibliographicalsearch, without time parameters, was conducted through four databases until June2023. A meta-analytic approach investigated knowledge gains and XR's usefulnessfor learning. Pooled effect sizes were estimated using Cohen's standardized meandifference (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). A single- group proportionalmeta-analysis was conducted to quantify the percentage of students who consideredXR devices useful for their learning. Twenty-seven experimental studies, reportingdata from 2199 health sciences students, were included for analysis. XR-technologiesyielded higher knowledge gains than traditional approaches (SMD = 0.40; 95%CI = 0.22 to 0.60), especially when used as supplemental/complementary learningresources (SMD = 0.52; 95% CI = 0.40 to 0.63). Specifically, knowledge performanceusing XR devices outperformed textbooks and atlases (SMD = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.10to 0.54) and didactic lectures (SMD = 1.00; 95% CI = 0.57 to 1.42), especially amongundergraduate students (SMD = 0.41; 95% CI = 0.20 to 0.62). XR devices wereperceived to be more useful for learning than traditional approaches (SMD = 0.54;95% CI = 0.04 to 1), and 80% of all students who used XR devices reported thesedevices as useful for learning anatomy. Learners using XR technologies demonstratedincreased anatomy knowledge gains and considered these technologies useful forlearning anatomy.K E Y W O R D Sanatomy, augmented reality, health sciences courses, immersive virtual reality, meta-analysis,technology-enhanced learning
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    Functional and neurometabolic asymmetry in SHR and WKY rats following vasoactive treatments
    (Nature Portfolio, 2019-12-01) Segarra, AB.; Prieto-Gomez, I.; Banegas, I.; Martínez-Cañamero, M.; Luna, JD.; de Gasparo, M.; Ramirez-Sanchez, M.
    A lateralized distribution of neuropeptidase activities in the frontal cortex of normotensive and hypertensive rats has been described depending on the use of some vasoactive drugs and linked to certain mood disorders. Asymmetrical neuroperipheral connections involving neuropeptidases from the left or right hemisphere and aminopeptidases from the heart or plasma have been suggested to play a role in this asymmetry. We hypothesize that such asymmetries could be extended to the connection between the brain and physiologic parameters and metabolic factors from plasma and urine. To assess this hypothesis, we analyzed the possible correlation between neuropeptidases from the left and right frontal cortex with peripheral parameters in normotensive (Wistar Kyoto [WKY]) rats and hypertensive rats (spontaneously hypertensive rats [SHR]) untreated or treated with vasoactive drugs such as captopril, propranolol and L-nitro-arginine methyl ester. Neuropeptidase activities from the frontal cortex were analyzed fluorometrically using arylamide derivatives as substrates. Physiological parameters and metabolic factors from plasma and urine were determined using routine laboratory techniques. Vasoactive drug treatments differentially modified the asymmetrical neuroperipheral pattern by changing the predominance of the correlations between peripheral parameters and central neuropeptidase activities of the left and right frontal cortex. The response pattern also differed between SHR and WKY rats. These results support an asymmetric integrative function of the organism and suggest the possibility of a different neurometabolic response coupled to particular mood disorders, depending on the selected vasoactive drug. © 2019, The Author(s).
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    Influence of a diet enriched with virgin olive oil or butter on mouse gut microbiota and its correlation to physiological and biochemical parameters related to metabolic syndrome
    (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2018-01) Prieto, I.; Hidalgo, M.; Segarra, AB.; Martinez-Rodriguez, AM.; Cobo, A.; Ramirez-Sanchez, M.; Abriouel, H.; Galvez, A.
    The type of fat in the diet determinates the characteristics of gut microbiota, exerting a major role in the development of metabolic syndrome. We hypothesize that a diet enriched with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has a distinctive effect on the intestinal microbiome in comparison with an enriched butter diet (BT) and this effect is related to the physiological benefits exerted by EVOO. Swiss Webster mice were fed standard (SD) or two high fat diets enriched with EVOO or butter. Hormonal, physiological and metabolic parameters were evaluated. At the end of the feeding period, DNA was extracted from faeces and the 16S rRNA genes were pyrosequenced. Among the main significant differences found, BT triggered the highest values of systolic blood pressure, correlating positively with the percentage of Desulfovibrio sequences in faeces, which in turn showed significantly higher values in BT than in EVOO. EVOO had the lowest values of plasmatic insulin, correlating inversely with Desulfovibrio, and had the lowest plasmatic values of leptin which correlated inversely with Sutterellaceae, Marispirillum and Mucilaginibacter dageonensis, the three showing significantly higher percentages in EVOO. The lowest total cholesterol levels in plasma were detected in SD, correlating positively with Prevotella and Fusicatenibacter, both taxa with significantly greater presence in SD. These results may be indicative of a link between specific diets, certain physiological parameters and the prevalence of some taxa, supporting the possibility that in some of the proposed effects of virgin olive oil the modulation of intestinal microbiota could be involved. © 2018 Prieto et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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    Influence of extra virgin olive oil on blood pressure and kidney angiotensinase activities in spontaneously hypertensive rats
    (Thieme, 2015-11-11) Villarejo, AB.; Ramírez-Sánchez, M.; Segarra, AB.; Martínez-Cañamero, M.; Prieto, I.
    High-fat diets are associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. The efficacy of the current strategies of treatment is still not entirely satisfactory, and new approaches are being considered. To analyze the beneficial effects of extra virgin olive oil as a major component of the Mediterranean diet, we studied systolic blood pressure and angiotensinase activities, since this enzyme is involved in the metabolism of angiotensins, in the kidney of hypertensive rats fed during 12 weeks with a diet enriched with extra virgin olive oil compared with a standard diet. As a reflex of oxidative stress, 8-isoprostanes and nitric oxide were quantified in urine. Results demonstrated a progressive increase in systolic blood pressure until the end of the feeding period in both groups. However, this increase was delayed in the extra virgin olive oil group until week six, with the systolic blood pressure being always lower in this group. Nitric oxide and 8-isoprostanes were lower in the extra virgin olive oil group. While we can deduce a higher formation of angiotensin 2-10 in the renal cortex, a higher availability of angiotensin II may be presumed in the renal medulla of animals fed an extra virgin olive oil diet than in animals fed a standard diet. Our results support the beneficial influence of extra virgin olive oil on cardiovascular function and suggest that the Mediterranean diet may be beneficial in itself but it may also be an effective tool in the treatment of hypertension. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart New York.
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    Changes in the bacterial diversity of human milk during late lactation period (Weeks 21 to 48)
    (2020-08-27) Marín Gómez, Wendy; Grande Burgos, María José; Pérez Pulido, Rubén; Gálvez, Antonio; Lucas, Rosario
    Se recolectó leche materna de una madre soltera durante un período de lactancia de 28 semanas. La diversidad bacteriana se estudió mediante análisis de secuenciación de amplicones de la región variable V3-V4 del gen 16S rRNA. Firmicutes y Proteobacteria fueron los principales filos detectados en las muestras de leche, seguidos de Actinobacteria y Bacteroidetes . La proporción de Firmicutes a Proteobacteria cambió considerablemente dependiendo de la semana de muestreo. Se detectó un total de 411 géneros o taxones superiores en el conjunto de muestras. El género Streptococcus se detectó durante el período de muestreo de 28 semanas, en abundancias relativas entre 2.0% y 68.8%, y fue el grupo más abundante en 14 de las muestras. Carnobacterium y Lactobacillus tuvieron abundancias relativas bajas. A nivel de género, la diversidad bacteriana cambió considerablemente en ciertas semanas dentro del período estudiado. Las semanas o períodos con menor abundancia relativa de Streptococcus presentaron composiciones bacterianas más diversas, incluyendo géneros pertenecientes a Proteobacteria que estaban poco representados en el resto de las muestras.
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    Bilateral Correlational Behavior of Pyroglutamate Aminopeptidase I Activity in Rat Photoneuroendocrine Locations During a Standard 12:12 h Light-Dark Cycle
    (MDPI, 2024-11) Ramirez-Sanchez, Manuel; Prieto, I; Segarra, AB; Banegas, I; Martinez-Canamero, M; Dominguez-Vias, G; Duran, R; Vives, F
    We previously described the circadian variation and bilateral distribution of pyroglutamate aminopeptidase I (pGluPI) activity levels in photoneuroendocrine locations of adult male rats during a standard 12:12 h light-dark cycle. However, the correlational analysis between such locations has not yet been studied. This may provide new data about the unilateral and bilateral functional interaction between photoneuroendocrine locations under light and dark conditions. We analyzed the correlations between locations of a photoneuroendocrine circuit consisting of retina, anterior hypothalamus, superior cervical ganglion, and pineal gland, as well as other related photoneuroendocrine locations: posterior hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary, occipital cortex, and serum. In particular, we analyzed the correlations between the left retina or the right retina versus the rest of the locations, as well as the correlations between the left and right sides of paired structures at the different time points selected from 12 h light and 12 h dark periods. Also, the profiles of correlational results were compared with the corresponding mean levels. The results demonstrate the complexity of asymmetrical brain behavior. The correlation profile did not always parallel the profile observed with the mean activity values. The diurnal behavior of correlations with the left or right retina differed from one location to another. Likewise, the diurnal variation of correlations between the left and right sides of the paired structures differed between them. Particularly, while most correlations between the left versus right sides of paired structures showed positive values, that of the posterior hypothalamus showed a negative value at 13 h of light period. In addition, except the posterior hypothalamus, most paired locations only correlated significantly with right retina at 07 h of the light period. The results demonstrate the dynamic complexity of brain asymmetry, which represents a challenge for understanding its functional meaning.
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    Asymmetric Pattern of Correlations of Leucine Aminopeptidase Activity between Left or Right Frontal Cortex versus Diverse Left or Right Regions of Rat Brains
    (MDPI, 2023-07) Ramirez-Sanchez, Manuel; Prieto, Isabel; Segarra, Ana Belén; Banegas, Inmaculada; Martinez-Canamero, Magdalena; Dominguez-Vias, German; Duran, Raquel; Vives, Francisco
    Previous studies demonstrated an asymmetry of left predominance for mean values of soluble leucine aminopeptidase (LeuAP) activity in the frontal cortex (FC) and hypothalamus of adult male rats, fluorimetrically analyzed by the hydrolysis of Leu-β-naphthylamide as a substrate. No asymmetries were observed in nine other left (L) and right (R) regions obtained from rostro-caudally sectioned coronal slices. Neither had inter-hemispheric differences observed for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), analyzed simultaneously in the same brain regions (L and R) of the same animals. However, the level of intra-hemispheric or inter-hemispheric correlation of LeuAP or LDH between such brain regions has not been analyzed. In order to obtain additional suggestions on the functional heterogeneity between regions of LeuAP and LDH, in the present investigation, the level of intra-hemispheric and inter-hemispheric correlations of the frontal cortex with the rest of the regions studied is described: (A) between the left frontal cortex (LFC) and the rest of the left regions; (B) between the right frontal cortex (RFC) and the rest of the right regions; (C) between the left frontal cortex and all of the right regions; and (D) between the right frontal cortex and all of the left regions. All of the correlations obtained were positive. The intra-hemispheric analysis showed a greater heterogeneity of values in the correlations observed between RFC and the rest of the right regions than between LFC and the rest of the left regions. Greater heterogeneity is observed when comparing RFC correlations with left regions than when comparing LFC correlations with right regions. In conclusion, the greatest heterogeneity (suggesting a greater functional variability) was observed in the right intra-hemispheric analysis and in the inter-hemispheric analysis between the RFC and the left hemisphere. The results for LDH showed a great homogeneity between regions both in the intra- and inter-hemispheric studies.
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    Does participation in therapeutic exercise programs after finishing oncology treatment still ensure an adequate health status for long-term breast cancer survivors? A ≥ 5 years follow-up study
    (SPRINGER, 2023-05-18) Álvarez-Salvago, Francisco; Jiménez-García, José D.; Pujol-Fuentes, Clara; Atienzar-Aroca, Sandra; Molina-García, Cristina; Aibar-Almazán, Agustín
    Purpose: The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the effects of two therapeutic exercise programs are sustained over time (≥ 5 years) in long-term breast cancer survivors (LTBCS). Second, to determine the influence of the current level of physical activity (PA) performed on cancer-related fatigue (CRF) that these patients may present ≥5 years later. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted with a cohort of 80 LTBCS in Granada during 2018. Firstly, considering their participation in one of the programs, they were allocated into two groups: usual care and therapeutic exercise program, to assess CRF, pain and pressure pain sensitivity, muscle strength, functional capacity, and quality of life. Secondly, they were also classified into 3 groups according to current level of weekly PA performed: ≤ 3, 3.1-7.4, and ≥ 7.5 (MET-hour/week) respectively, to assess its impact over CRF. Results: Although the positive effects of the programs are not sustained over time, a trend toward significance can be observed for a greater reduction in overall CRF levels, lower intensity of pain in the affected arm and cervical region, and greater functional capacity and quality of life in the group that underwent therapeutic exercise. Additionally, 66.25% of LTBCS are inactive ≥ 5 years after completion of the program and furthermore, such inactivity is accompanied by higher CRF levels (P .013 to .046). Conclusion: The positive effects of therapeutic exercise programs are not maintained over time for LTBCS. Additionally, more than half of these women (66.25%) are inactive ≥ 5 years after completion of the program, this inactivity being accompanied by higher levels of CRF.
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    Time course and predictors of persistent cancer-related fatigue in long-term breast cancer survivors: a prospective observational study
    (SPRINGER, 2022-12-15) Álvarez-Salvago, Francisco; Jiménez-García, José D.; Martínez-Amat, Antonio; Hita-Contreras, Fidel; Aibar-Almazán, Agustín
    Purpose: The present study investigated whether the level of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) after finishing oncology treatment was related to higher levels of persistent CRF and its relationship with both functional and psychological disturbances. Second, to identify potential predictors of persistent CRF. Methods: Eighty BC survivors were classified into non-fatigued (≤ 3.9) or fatigued (≥ 4), according to their Piper Fatigue Scale total score after finishing oncology treatment. The time course of fatigue and the impact on its domains, pain, mood state, perceived physical fitness, the level of physical activity, and quality of life were assessed at ≥ 5 years. Results: Women classified as fatigued after finishing oncology treatment had not only a higher prevalence of persistent CRF (41.2%) at the reassessment, but also greater levels of pain (P = .006 to .048) and mood disturbances (P = .007 to .015), and lower levels of physical fitness condition (P = .002 to .039) and quality of life (P < .001 to < .05) over time. Regression analyses revealed that "sadness/depression," "global health status," "physical activity level," and "type of treatment" were significant predictors of persistent CRF (r2 = .692). Conclusion: Higher levels of CRF implied greater levels of persistent CRF and a lower functional and psychological profile over time. 69.2% of of persistent CRF was explained.
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    Validity and reliability of the Niigata PPPD Questionnaire in a Western population
    (Springer, 2023-05-22) Castillejos‑Carrasco‑Muñoz, Rodrigo; Peinado-Rubia, Ana Belén; Lérida-Ortega, Miguel Ángel; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; Tapia-Toca, María Cruz; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
    Purpose: To analyze the psychometric properties of the Niigata Questionnaire (NPQ) for use in a European population with persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD). Methods: Observational study included 140 patients with different vestibular conditions. Construct validity, internal consistency and concurrent validity were analyzed. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error of measurement (SEM) and minimal detectable change (MDC) were calculated. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to test diagnostic values. Results: Of the 140 patients, 47 had a diagnosis of PPPD. Factorial analysis showed a single-factor structure and concurrent validity analysis showed strong correlations with other instruments. Cronbach alpha coefficients of 0.938 for the total score, 0.869 for the standing and gait subscale, 0.803 for the subscale of movements and 0.852 for the visual stimulation subscale were obtained. The reproducibility was substantial except for the standing subscale, which could be considered moderate. For the standing, movement and visual stimulation subscales and for the total score, the SEM was 3.27, 2.41, 2.50 and 6.63, respectively, and the MDC was 6.40, 4.72, 4.91 and 12.99, respectively. The NPQ total score showed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.661, a sensitivity of 72.34 and a specificity of 55.91 for discriminating between PPPD and other vestibular disorders. Conclusions: The NPQ is feasible for use in a Western population and presents a uni-factorial structure, high internal consistency and strong correlation with other instruments. The reliability can be considered substantial. The NPQ has low accuracy in discriminating between subjects with or without PPPD.
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    Idiopathic scoliosis in subjects with eye diseases: A systematic review with meta-analysis
    (Wiley, 2024-02-07) Gallego-Siles, Juan Ramón; Siles-Fuentes, María José; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; Cortés-Pérez, Irene; Obrero-Gaitán, Esteban; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
    Our aim was to find the best evidence on the prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) in subjects with eye diseases (EDs) and to determine the most common visual alterations that are present. Following the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), a bibliographic search up to June 2023 in the PubMed, PsycINFO, SCOPUS, and CINAHL Complete databases was performed. Observational studies were selected and the results were analyzed with prevalence odds ratio (OR). A total of six studies, including 18,396 subjects, were selected. The group of subjects with EDs was made up of 6048 individuals, of whom 655 (10.83%) had IS. The group of subjects without EDs was made up of 12,348 individuals of whom 444 (3.60%) presented with IS with an OR = 2.91, CI (95%) = [1.75, 4.83]. Blindness was assessed in a single study with an OR = 7.83, CI (95%) = [1.66, 36.90]; all three studies in the refractive error subgroup yielded an OR = 2.24, CI (95%) = [1.10, 4.58]; and the two studies that included subjects with strabismus showed an OR = 3.09, CI (95%) = [1.38, 7.00]. EDs were associated with an almost three times greater odds of having IS. We recommend the inclusion of vision testing in children with IS.
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    E ectiveness of Percutaneous Electrolysis in Supraspinatus Tendinopathy: A Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
    (MDPI, 2020-06-12) Rodríguez-Huget, Manuel; Góngora-Rodríguez, Jorge; Rodríguez-Huguet, Pablo; Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier; Rodríguez-Almagro, Daniel; Martín-Valero, Rocío; Díaz-Fernández, Ángeles; Lomas-Vega, Rafael
    Supraspinatus tendinopathy is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. Many studies support conservative treatments such as exercise, trigger point dry needling or corticosteroid injections. Otherwise, a minimally invasive approach with percutaneous electrolysis (PE) has also been used successfully in shoulder pain, although evidence about its long-term effects is scarce. The aim of this trial was to determine the effects of PE on supraspinatus tendinopathy compared with trigger point dry needling (TDN). Thirty-six patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy were randomly assigned to either a PE group (n = 18) or a TDN group (n = 18). Both groups also performed eccentric exercises. The main outcome to be measured was the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), but the shoulder range of motion (ROM) and trigger point pressure pain threshold (PPT) were also considered. A one-year follow-up was conducted. Significant differences favoring the PE group were found regarding pain at one-year follow-up (p = 0.002). The improvement achieved in the PE group was greater in the NPRS (p < 0.001), proximal PPT, middle PPT, distal PPT (all p < 0.001) and ranges of movement. PE seems to be more effective than TDN in relieving pain and improving ROM and PPT supraspinatus values in patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy, both right after treatment and at one-year follow-up.