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Title: Enhanced transient search optimization algorithm-based optimal reactive power dispatch including electric vehicles
Authors: Shaheen, Mohamed A.M.
Ullah, Zia
Hasanien, Hany M.
Tostado-Véliz, Marcos
Ji, Haoran
Qais, Mohammed H.
Alghuwainem, Saad
Jurado, Francisco
Abstract: Optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) in electrical networks is essential for the secure and stable operation of the entire power system; it also significantly impacts the economic situation. However, the solution of ORPD is highly complex while considering the multiple variables, time-varying characteristics, dynamic loads such as electric vehicles, and operational constraints. The ORPD problem is classified as a non-linear, non-convex complex problem. Thus, a robust optimization technique should be utilized to solve the ORPD. This paper presents a novel Enhanced Transient Search Optimization (ETSO) technique for the optimal solution of the ORPD problem by integrating electric vehicles (EVs). The proposed ETSO implemented for the optimal solution of ORPD consequently minimize the active power loss and voltage deviation at the load buses. The proposed method is tested and verified on the IEEE 30-bus, the IEEE-57 bus, and IEEE 118-bus systems. The simulation results show the robustness and efficiency of the proposed ETSO optimization in solving the ORPD problem by evaluating and comparing it with other well-established metaheuristic optimization methods under the same system data, control variables, and constraints. Statistical features of the proposed ETSO algorithm and the results obtained led to an improvement in the performance of the power systems.
Keywords: Electric vehicles
Energy and Transportation
Optimal energy management
TSO algorithm
Issue Date: 15-Aug-2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Mohamed A.M. Shaheen, Zia Ullah, Hany M. Hasanien, Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Haoran Ji, Mohammed H. Qais, Saad Alghuwainem, Francisco Jurado, Enhanced transient search optimization algorithm-based optimal reactive power dispatch including electric vehicles, Energy, Volume 277, 2023, 127711, ISSN 0360-5442,
Appears in Collections:DIE-Artículos

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