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Title: Spanish vs. English disagreement: An analysis of cultural and situational variation
Authors: Fernández García, Francisco
Sánchez Morillas, Carmen María
Abstract: This paper highlights the results of an intercultural study within the theoretical frame of (im)politeness about the way in which Spanish and English speakers manage situations of disagreement. However, in order not to ignore the internal variation that in each culture exists, cultural contrasts are analysed while simultaneously taking into account situational variation. This study is based upon a questionnaire carried out among 240 informants. Using open questions, both qualitative and quantitative methodology is employed. As regards (im)politeness, the rapport management theory by Spencer-Oatey (2002, 2008) is the model employed for reference. The replies of the informants are analysed regarding their possible reaction to a situation of disagreement in different contextual frames. It is observed whether the speaker does or does not express disagreement, as well as the way it is expressed (mitigated, open or boosted) and the kind of strategies that are employed.
Keywords: disagreement
intercultural pragmatics
variational pragmatics
situational variation
Issue Date: 4-May-2021
Publisher: Universidad de Alicante
Citation: Fernández García, Francisco y Sánchez Morillas, Carmen María (2021). Spanish vs. English disagreement: An analysis of cultural and situational variation. ELUA, 35: 93-107.
Appears in Collections:DFE-Artículos

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