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Title: Adaptive PI Control Strategy for Optimal Microgrid Autonomous Operation
Authors: Hussien, Ahmed M.
Kim, Jonghoom
Alkuhayli, Abdulaziz
Alharbi, Mohammed
Hasanien, Hany M.
Tostado-Véliz, Marcos
Turky, Rania A.
Jurado, Francisco
Abstract: The present research produces a new technique for the optimum operation of an isolated microgrid (MGD) based on an enhanced block-sparse adaptive Bayesian algorithm (EBSABA). To update the proportional-integral (PI) controller gains online, the suggested approach considers the impact of the actuating error signal as well as its magnitude. To reach a compromise result between the various purposes, the Response Surface Methodology (RSMT) is combined with the sunflower optimization (SFO) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms. To demonstrate the success of the novel approach, a benchmark MGD is evaluated in three different Incidents: (1) removing the MGD from the utility (islanding mode); (2) load variations under islanding mode; and (3) a three-phase fault under islanding mode. Extensive simulations are run to test the new technique using the PSCAD/EMTDC program. The validity of the proposed optimizer is demonstrated by comparing its results with those obtained using the least mean and square root of exponential method (LMSRE) based adaptive control, SFO, and PSO methodologies. The study demonstrates the superiority of the proposed EBSABA over the LMSRE, SFO, and PSO approaches in the system’s transient reactions.
Keywords: Adaptive control
Enhanced block-sparse adaptive Bayesian algorithm
Response surface methodology
Issue Date: 11-Nov-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Hussien, A.M.; Kim, J.; Alkuhayli, A.; Alharbi, M.; Hasanien, H.M.; Tostado-Véliz, M.; Turky, R.A.; Jurado, F. Adaptive PI Control Strategy for Optimal Microgrid Autonomous Operation. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14928.
Appears in Collections:DIE-Artículos

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