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Title: Emotional reactivity to binge food and erotic cues in women with bulimia nervosa symptoms
Authors: Hernández-Rivero, Isabel
Blechert, Jens
Miccoli, Laura
Eichin, Katharina Naomi
Fernández‑Santaella, M. Carmen
Delgado‑Rodríguez, Rafael
Abstract: Background: Studies on food cue reactivity have documented that altered responses to high‑calorie food are associated with bulimic symptomatology, however, alterations in sexual motivations and behaviors are also associated clinical features in this population, which justify their inclusion as a research target. Here, we study responses to erotic cues—alongside food, neutral and aversive cues—to gain an understanding of specificity to food versus a generalized sensitivity to primary reinforcers. Methods: We recorded peripheral psychophysiological indices –the startle reflex, zygomaticus, and corrugator responses—and self‑reported emotional responses (valence, arousal, and dominance) in 75 women completing the Bulimia Test‑Revised (BULIT‑R). Multiple regression analysis tested whether BULIT‑R symptoms were predicted by selfreported and psychophysiological responses to food versus neutral and erotic versus neutral images. Results: The results showed that individuals with higher bulimic symptoms were characterized by potentiated eye blink startle response during binge food (vs. neutral images) and more positive valence ratings during erotic (vs. neutral) cues. Conclusions: The results highlight the negative emotional reactivity of individuals with elevated bulimic symptoms toward food cues, which could be related to the risk of progression to full bulimia nervosa and thereby addressed in prevention efforts. Results also point to the potential role of reactivity to erotic content, at least on a subjective level. Theoretical models of eating disorders should widen their conceptual scope to consider reactivity to a broader spectrum of primary reinforcers, which would have implications for cue exposure‑based treatments.
Keywords: Bulimia nervosa
Binge food cues
Erotic cues
Startle reflex
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: BMC
Citation: Hernández-Rivero, I., Blechert, J., Miccoli, L., Eichin, K. N., Fernández-Santaella, M. C., & Delgado-Rodríguez, R. (2021). Emotional reactivity to binge food and erotic cues in women with bulimia nervosa symptoms. Journal of Eating Disorders, 9, 1-11
Appears in Collections:DPS-Artículos

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