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Title: Multi-mode monitoring and energy management for photovoltaic-storage systems
Authors: Benavides, Darío
Arévalo, Paul
Criollo, Adrián
Tostado-Véliz, Marcos
Jurado-Melguizo, Francisco
Abstract: The integration of photovoltaic generation systems and variable demand can cause instability in the distribution network, due to power fluctuations and the increase in reactants, particularly in the industrial sector. In response, photovoltaic units have been equipped with local storage systems, which eventually absorb power fluctuations and improve installation performance. However, during this procedure other functionalities that energy storage could provide are neglected. Consequently, this study provides a multi-mode energy monitoring and management model that enables voltage regulation, frequency regulation and reactive power compensation through the optimal operation of energy storage systems. With this objective, a smoothing control algorithm is developed that interacts with parameters of the electrical grid at the common connection point and also allows the compensation of reactive power based on an industrial demand profile. This strategy uses the Long short-term memory neural network of historical demand data prior to energy consumption with a relatively low RMSE of 1.2e-09. The results are previously validated in a development environment using a real-time OPAL-RT simulator and tests in the electrical Microgrid laboratory at the University of Cuenca. This configuration allows establishing a demand forecasting model that improves the supervision, automation and analysis of daily energy production. A series of results are provided and analyzed that demonstrate that the new tool allows taking advantage of the provision of multimode functionalities, achieving optimal voltage regulation and improving power quality by reducing the total harmonic distortion THD (V) and THD (I) indices by 0.5. % and 2 % respectively.
Keywords: Multi-mode
Energy storage systems
Demand forecast
Issue Date: Sep-2024
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: Desarrollo de herramientas computacionales para microrredes multi-energía con vectores de electricidad, hidrógeno y gas (TED2021-129631B-C31)
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Darío Benavides, Paul Arévalo, Adrián Criollo, Marcos Tostado-Véliz, Francisco Jurado, Multi-mode monitoring and energy management for photovoltaic-storage systems, Renewable Energy, Volume 230, 2024, 120820, ISSN 0960-1481,
Appears in Collections:DIE-Artículos

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