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Title: Parameter Estimation of Modified Double-Diode and Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Models Based on Wild Horse Optimizer
Authors: Ramadan, Abdelhady
Kamel, Salah
Taha, Ibrahim B. M.
Jurado-Melguizo, Francisco
Abstract: The increase in industrial and commercial applications of photovoltaic systems (PV) has a significant impact on the increase in interest in studying the improvement of the efficiency of these systems. Estimating the efficiency of PV is considered one of the most important problems facing those in charge of manufacturing these systems, which makes it interesting to many researchers. The difficulty in estimating the efficiency of PV is due to the high non-linear current–voltage characteristics and power–voltage characteristics. In addition, the absence of ample efficiency information in the manufacturers’ datasheets has led to the development of an effective electrical mathematical equivalent model necessary to simulate the PV module. In this paper, an application for an optimization algorithm named Wild Horse Optimizer (WHO) is proposed to extract the parameters of a double-diode PV model (DDM), modified double-diode PV model (MDDM), triple-diode PV model (TDM), and modified triple-diode PV model (MTDM). This study focuses on two main objectives. The first concerns comparing the original models (DDM and TDM) and their modification (MDDM and MTDM). The second concerns the algorithm behavior with the optimization problem and comparing this behavior with other recent algorithms. The evaluation process uses different methods, such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for accuracy and statistical analysis for robustness. Based on the results obtained by the WHO, the estimated parameters using the WHO are more accurate than those obtained by the other studied optimization algorithms; furthermore, the MDDM and MTDM modifications enhanced the original DDM and TDM efficiencies.
Keywords: Photovoltaic
Modified triple-diode model
Modified double-diode model
Wild horse optimizer
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Ramadan, A.; Kamel, S.; Taha, I.B.M.; Tostado-Véliz, M. Parameter Estimation of Modified Double-Diode and Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Models Based on Wild Horse Optimizer. Electronics 2021, 10, 2308.
Appears in Collections:DIE-Artículos

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