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Titre: Repowering Feasibility Study of a Current Hybrid Renewable System. Case Study, Galapagos Islands
Auteur(s): Arévalo, Paul
Tostado-Véliz, Marcos
Jurado-Melguizo, Francisco
Résumé: Renewable sources on islands seem to be the most attractive option to decarbonize and lower the price of electricity; currently, most islands do so by replacing their diesel generators with wind or solar sources, along with energy storage. The Galapagos Islands are no exception. This study presents a techno-economic analysis of hybrid renewable systems in the Galapagos Islands, considering the repowering of its renewable sources and reduction in the penetration of diesel generators. This study uses EnergyPlan software, where the best option is chosen based on technical, economic, and environmental indicators. Finally, several sensitivity analyses are done. The results show that by increasing the capacity of current wind and photovoltaic systems, the total annual cost reduces by 20% and 10.31%, respectively; this is a specific result of this study. Moreover, there is a reduction in CO2 emissions produced by diesel generators, up to 38.96%.
Mots-clés: Renewable energy
Isolated systems
Energy planning
Solar energy
Wind energy
Date de publication: oct-2021
Editeur: MDPI
Référence bibliographique: Arévalo, P.; Tostado-Véliz, M.; Jurado, F. Repowering Feasibility Study of a Current Hybrid Renewable System. Case Study, Galapagos Islands. Electricity 2021, 2, 487-502.
Collection(s) :DIE-Artículos

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