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Title: Integrated and interactive 4D system for archaeological stratigraphy
Authors: Ortega-Alvarado, Lidia M.
García-Fernández, Ángel-Luis
Conde-Rodríguez, Francisco
Jurado-Rodríguez, Juan M.
Abstract: The digitization of some of the processes carried out in an archaeological excavation is changing the way of working at the site. Today, new technologies coexist with traditional methodologies. The study of stratigraphy can combine drawings of profiles and plans, the Harris Matrix diagram, as well as digitized files that perform a complete record of the stratigraphic sequence. However, this information is usually unaggregated from the rest of the information system that makes up the archaeological record. In this paper we present an integrated software tool and the associated methodology to record, store, visualize and analyze the 3D stratigraphy of a site. The implementation uses spatial databases to store information of a heterogeneous nature and game engines for the visualization and interaction with this information. During the excavation process, the strata are scanned using the Tof technology, which is available in many smartphones. The resulting 3D model of the stratum, once uploaded to the software system, allows us to visualize the sequence of strata incorporating the findings into their original arrangement. Some additional tools, such as the scrollbar, help to perform a temporal analysis of the site. The result is a 4D interactive stratigraphy tool, which together with the Harris Matrix, complements the archaeological record and facilitates the work to archaeologists. This methodology also allows to speed up the on-site work and the subsequent analysis, while improving the user experience with the 3D archaeological site replica.
Keywords: 3D virtual archaeological site
Harris Matrix
Unity game engine
Spatio-temporal analysis
Issue Date: 27-Sep-2022
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Fondos FEDER). Proyecto TIN2017-84968-R
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. Vol. 14. Art. 203 (2022)
Appears in Collections:DI-Artículos

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