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Title: Social acceptance of renewable energy development in southern Spain: Exploring tendencies, locations, criteria and situations
Authors: Rodríguez-Segura, Francisco Javier
Osorio-Aravena, Juan Carlos
Frolova, Marina
Terrados-Cepeda, Julio
Muñoz-Cerón, Emilio
Abstract: Although, in general, there is a high level of public acceptance of renewable energies (RE) in Spain, at a local scale, protests and campaigns against RE projects are becoming increasingly frequent. In order to identify the factors that most influence the acceptance/rejection of renewable electricity generation technologies (photovoltaic, wind and biomass) at a local level, in this study we conducted a structured survey of the population of the province of Jaén in southern Spain. The analysis of the results of the questionnaire reveals that the social acceptance of RE plants is influenced by their location and size, and identifies the main criteria and situations that people take into consideration when deciding whether to support or reject RE projects. Although the results suggest that all RE technologies are widely accepted, they also highlight a preference for photovoltaic energy and for medium-sized plants in sites with low natural value. This article provides information and recommendations to facilitate the drafting of policies, plans and future studies that will enable social barriers to the implementation of RE technologies to be reduced, so helping accelerate the energy transition that is required in order for agreed climate targets to be met.
Keywords: Biomass
Energy Transition
Social Acceptability
Wind energy
Social perception
Issue Date: Feb-2023
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: This research was conducted withing the framework of a project entitled: "Adaptation to sustainable energy transition in Europe: Environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects (ADAPTAS)" (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and State Research Agency of Spain, and European Regional Development Fund, CSO2017-86975-R).
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Rodríguez-Segura, F. J., Osorio-Aravena, J. C., Frolova, M., Terrados-Cepeda, J., & Muñoz-Cerón, E. (2023). Social acceptance of renewable energy development in southern Spain: Exploring tendencies, locations, criteria and situations. Energy Policy, 173(July 2022), 113356.
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