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Title: What do I need to know about ‘quality’ and ‘equity’ in education?
Authors: Méndez García, María del Carmen
Fleming, Mike
Abstract: The aim of this chapter is to focus more specifically on the implications of these concepts for schools, other educational institutions and for teaching. It is fairly easy to recognise that the concepts of equality and equity are highly relevant to education policy at a national and regional level. For example, in order to ensure the right to education it is important that there is adequate provision, that resources are distributed fairly, that admission policies are administered justly, and so on. It is perhaps less obvious how the concepts of ‘quality’ and ‘equity’ are of relevance to everyday practice at the institution and classroom level. Injustices that may prevent access to quality education can all too easily be concealed or remain unnoticed, particularly when it comes to matters related to language and how it impacts on teaching and learning.
Issue Date: 2023
ISBN: 978-1-80041-402-0
Appears in Collections:Datasets

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