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Title: Plasma renin-angiotensin system-regulating aminopeptidase activities are modified in early stage Alzheimer´s disease but are not related to apolipoprotein E genotype
Authors: Puertas MC, Martínez-Martos JM
Cobo MP, Lorite P
Sandalio RM., Palomeque T
Torres MI, Carrera MP
Mayas MD, ,Ramírez-Expósito MJ
Issue Date: Jun-2013
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Puertas Mdel C, Martínez-Martos JM, Cobo M, Lorite P, Sandalio RM, Palomeque T, Torres MI, Carrera-González MP, Mayas MD, Ramírez-Expósito MJ. Plasma renin-angiotensin system-regulating aminopeptidase activities are modified in early stage Alzheimer's disease and show gender differences but are not related to apolipoprotein E genotype. Exp Gerontol. 2013 Jun;48(6):557-64.
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