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Title: Design and Development of a Geometric Calculator in CATIA
Authors: Rojas Sola, José Ignacio
del Río Cidoncha, Gloria
Ortíz Marín, Rafael
Cebolla Cano, Andrés
Abstract: In this article, an application in the field of engineering graphics is presented for the design of a geometric calculator generated as a macro in CATIA V5. The code of this macro is written in the CATVBA language and utilizes the CATIA internal editor while taking advantage of the capabilities offered by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The principal purpose of this application lies in the possibility of creating the three main geometric elements (point, line, and plane) and in solving five types of general geometric problems, and then comparing the results obtained with their equivalent problems from analytical geometry. In particular, within these types of general geometric problems, 34 possible cases are solved: definition of lines (nine cases), definition of planes (12 cases), intersection points (three cases), angles (three cases), and distances (seven cases). These new entities defined with the geometric calculator can serve as support for the generation of new three-dimensional volumes, the creation of auxiliary symmetries, and the dimensioning of various elements. It was verified that the results of the designed macro and the solutions of the analytical equations coincided; therefore, the procedure was validated. Likewise, the module employed herein in the CATIA V5 environment is “Wireframe and Surface Design”, since it enables handling the three basic geometric elements (point, line, and plane), which form the basis of the geometric calculator. Lastly, it is verified how the geometric calculator allows their integration with three-dimensional solids, which represents a notable advance as an aid in its geometric definition.
Keywords: macro
visual basic for applications
geometric calculator
straight line
Issue Date: 18-Feb-2023
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Citation: Rojas-Sola, J.I.; del Río-Cidoncha, G.; Ortíz-Marín, R.; Cebolla-Cano, A. Design and Development of a Geometric Calculator in CATIA. Symmetry 2023, 15, 547.
Appears in Collections:DIGDP-Artículos

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