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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Las Instituciones de Educación Superior, en Latinoamérica y en Ecuador específicamente, afrontan una época de grandes cambios provocados por la demanda de calidad y excelencia por parte de las instituciones que regulan la educación superior, los avances tecnológicos, el aumento y la internacionalización del conocimiento entre otras razones, hacen que las universidades tengan relevancia trascendental en el desarrollo de nuestras sociedades.
El estudio desarrollado nos permitirá conocer con el primer objetivo, el estado de la cuestión sobre el aprendizaje basado en la investigación en la Educación Superior Ecuatoriana. Un segundo objetivo pretende contribuir desde el área de la educación a la construcción de la cultura científica. Finalmente se aportan contenidos académicos con el fin de mejorar la integración educativa y social del alumnado, mediante aprendizajes y experiencias prácticas.
La Tesis Doctoral aporta información, datos cualitativos y cuantitativos útiles para aumentar el conocimiento sobre teorías y ventajas de la utilización del método “aprendizaje basado en investigación” que se podría implementar en la educación superior ecuatoriana.
El compendio de artículos presentado es el producto de investigaciones aplicadas, y se asume que contribuyen al conocimiento de las líneas de investigación tratadas en las publicaciones de esta tesis.
The Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America and Ecuador specifically face a period of great changes brought about by the demand for quality and excellence on the part of the institutions that regulate higher education, also by the technological advances, the increase and the internationalization of the Knowledge, among other reasons, make universities have a transcendental relevance in the development of our societies. The objective of the theses will allow us to know the state of the question about research based learning in Ecuadorian Higher Education. A second objective is to be able to contribute from the area of education to the construction of scientific culture. Finally, academic content is provided in order to improve the educational and social integration of students, through learning and practical experiences. This thesis provides information, qualitative and quantitative data useful to increase knowledge about theories and advantages of the use of research based learning method that could be implemented in Ecuadorian higher education. The compendium of articles presented is the product of applied research, and it is assumed that they contribute to the knowledge of the lines of research treated in the publications of this thesis.
The Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America and Ecuador specifically face a period of great changes brought about by the demand for quality and excellence on the part of the institutions that regulate higher education, also by the technological advances, the increase and the internationalization of the Knowledge, among other reasons, make universities have a transcendental relevance in the development of our societies. The objective of the theses will allow us to know the state of the question about research based learning in Ecuadorian Higher Education. A second objective is to be able to contribute from the area of education to the construction of scientific culture. Finally, academic content is provided in order to improve the educational and social integration of students, through learning and practical experiences. This thesis provides information, qualitative and quantitative data useful to increase knowledge about theories and advantages of the use of research based learning method that could be implemented in Ecuadorian higher education. The compendium of articles presented is the product of applied research, and it is assumed that they contribute to the knowledge of the lines of research treated in the publications of this thesis.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje, universidad, investigación, educación superior, Learning, university, higher education, research