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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Esta Tesis pretende realizar una contribución al desarrollo de la tecnología fotovoltaica de alta concentración (HCPV, con concentraciones mayores de 100 soles), haciendo énfasis en los módulos HCPV y en la mejora de sus configuraciones, especialmente de la óptica de concentración. Esta Tesis se compone de seis artículos de investigación (primer cuartil JCR-WOS): cuatro ya publicados y dos en revisión. Primero, se realiza un análisis de los módulos HCPV. Segundo, dos módulos HCPV son caracterizados en laboratorio y analizados en función de la irradiancia. Tercero, los aspectos económicos relacionados con las instalaciones HCPV son analizados a nivel mundial. Cuarto, en relación a la mejora de los sistemas ópticos concentradores, se desarrolla un potente modelado óptico. Quinto, cuatro unidades HCPV de tipo Fresnel son montadas para su caracterización en el Simulador Solar CPV. Por último, se presenta el diseño óptico de un módulo a concentraciones ultra-altas (UHCPV, más de 1000 soles).
This Thesis is intended to be a contribution to the development of the High Concentrator Photovoltaic technology (HCPV, with concentrations higher than 100 suns) by focusing on the HCPV modules and on the improvement of their configurations, especially in relation to the concentrator optics. This Thesis is composed of six research articles (first quartile in JCR-WOS): four of them are already published and two of them are under revision. Firstly, the analysis of the HCPV modules technology is addressed. Secondly, two HCPV modules are indoors characterised and analysed as a function of the irradiance. Thirdly, the economic aspects related to the HCPV installations are analysed worldwide. Fourthly, regarding the improvement of the concentrator optical systems, a powerful optical modelling is developed. Fifthly, four Fresnel-based HCPV units are mounted for their characterisation in the CPV Solar Simulator. Finally, an ultra-high CPV (UHCPV, more than 1000 suns) module optical design is presented.
This Thesis is intended to be a contribution to the development of the High Concentrator Photovoltaic technology (HCPV, with concentrations higher than 100 suns) by focusing on the HCPV modules and on the improvement of their configurations, especially in relation to the concentrator optics. This Thesis is composed of six research articles (first quartile in JCR-WOS): four of them are already published and two of them are under revision. Firstly, the analysis of the HCPV modules technology is addressed. Secondly, two HCPV modules are indoors characterised and analysed as a function of the irradiance. Thirdly, the economic aspects related to the HCPV installations are analysed worldwide. Fourthly, regarding the improvement of the concentrator optical systems, a powerful optical modelling is developed. Fifthly, four Fresnel-based HCPV units are mounted for their characterisation in the CPV Solar Simulator. Finally, an ultra-high CPV (UHCPV, more than 1000 suns) module optical design is presented.
Palabras clave
Sistemas ópticos anidólicos, Módulos fotovoltaicos, Concentración solar, Energía solar fotovoltaica, Non-imaging optics, Photovoltaic modules, Solar concentration, Solar photovoltaic energy