Influencia de las características del fruto y las condiciones de preparación de la pasta de aceituna, en el rendimiento del proceso de extracción del aceite de oliva virgen.
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Esta Tesis estudia el efecto de las sustancias pécticas, sobre la formación de emulsiones durante el batido de la pasta de aceituna, los mecanismos de actuación del microtalco natural (MTN) sobre su ruptura, y la influencia de dichas sustancias durante la maduración del fruto, sobre las propiedades texturales y reológicas de su pared celular.
Concluyendo que la acción emulsionante de las pectinas, se debilita al aumentar la dosis de MTN añadido, disminuyendo la eficiencia de este al incrementar la concentración de pectina, y que las características fisicoquímicas de los MTNs afectan a la ruptura de las emulsiones, dependiendo su efecto de: dosis aplicada, composición mineralógica, morfología y tamaño de distribución de partículas.
Deduciendo que las pastas tienen un comportamiento viscoplástico, que evoluciona al madurar los frutos, y que el aumento de la fracción oleosa contribuye a disminuir las fuerzas de fricción internas entre las partículas de la pulpa del fruto.
In this Thesis was studied the effect of pectin substances on the formation of emulsions during olive oil malaxation process, the mechanisms of action of micronized natural talc (MNT) on the breakdown of these emulsions, and their role in the textural and rheological properties of the olive during the ripening process. Results revealed that the emulsifying action of pectins is weakened with increasing MNT doses and that the efficiency of this coadjuvant decreases with increasing pectin concentration. It was also found that MNT physicochemical characteristics markedly affect the breaking of these emulsions and its effect depends on: the dose of MNT applied, its mineralogical composition, its morphology and its particles size distribution. Besides, it was found that olive pastes showed a viscoplastic behavior which evolve markedly as ripening progresses, and that the oily fraction contributes actively to the decrease of the internal friction forces between the different olive pulp particles.
In this Thesis was studied the effect of pectin substances on the formation of emulsions during olive oil malaxation process, the mechanisms of action of micronized natural talc (MNT) on the breakdown of these emulsions, and their role in the textural and rheological properties of the olive during the ripening process. Results revealed that the emulsifying action of pectins is weakened with increasing MNT doses and that the efficiency of this coadjuvant decreases with increasing pectin concentration. It was also found that MNT physicochemical characteristics markedly affect the breaking of these emulsions and its effect depends on: the dose of MNT applied, its mineralogical composition, its morphology and its particles size distribution. Besides, it was found that olive pastes showed a viscoplastic behavior which evolve markedly as ripening progresses, and that the oily fraction contributes actively to the decrease of the internal friction forces between the different olive pulp particles.
Palabras clave
Elaboración de aceite de oliva virgen, Olivo, Microtalco natural, Sustancias pécticas, Reología, Virgin Olive Oil extraction, Olive tree, Micronized talc, Pectic compounds, Rheology