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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
El metabolismo energético de los barrios marginales de New-Nyanya, Orozo, Ado y Uke, situados en el área urbana de Karu del estado de Nasarawa, se analiza para revelar los requisitos energéticos necesarios para su desarrollo. Son identificadas seis tecnologías y la técnica multicriterio utilizada para seleccionar la energía renovable más adecuada para dicho propósito. Catorce subcriterios tienen una evaluación de peso junto con el uso del proceso de jerarquía analítica.
El software PROMETHEE-GAIA se utiliza para priorizar y seleccionar la tecnología más adecuada. También se procede a la identificación de seis indicadores de energía comunitaria mediante la inclusión de agentes locales en el proceso de toma de decisiones. De esta manera se compara con la opinión de expertos en el campo de las energías renovables y agentes comunitarios en relación con el peso y la utilidad de los criterios técnicos, ambientales, económicos y sociales en el proceso de toma de decisiones.
The energy metaboüsm for the informal settlements of New-Nyanya, Orozo, One-man village and Uke, which are situated In the Greater Karu Urban Area of Nasarawa state of Nigeria are diagnosed to reveal the energy requirements. Six renewable technologies were identified, and the multi-criteria technique is used to select the most appropriate technology. Fourteen sub-criteria have their weights assessed by expert opinion and with the use of lhe Analytical HierarchyProcess methodology. The PROMETHEE-GAIA software (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) is used to prioritize and select the most preferred renewable energy technology. Six community energy indicators were also identified from the inclusion of community agents in the decision-making process. A comparison is carried out with the opinion of experts in the renewable energy field and community agents with regards to the weights and usefulness ol the technical, environmental, economic, and social criteria in the decision-making process.
The energy metaboüsm for the informal settlements of New-Nyanya, Orozo, One-man village and Uke, which are situated In the Greater Karu Urban Area of Nasarawa state of Nigeria are diagnosed to reveal the energy requirements. Six renewable technologies were identified, and the multi-criteria technique is used to select the most appropriate technology. Fourteen sub-criteria have their weights assessed by expert opinion and with the use of lhe Analytical HierarchyProcess methodology. The PROMETHEE-GAIA software (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) is used to prioritize and select the most preferred renewable energy technology. Six community energy indicators were also identified from the inclusion of community agents in the decision-making process. A comparison is carried out with the opinion of experts in the renewable energy field and community agents with regards to the weights and usefulness ol the technical, environmental, economic, and social criteria in the decision-making process.
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