Factores de riesgo asociados con el consumo de alcohol en ratas Romanas de alta (RHA-I) y baja (RLA-I) evitación
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
La adicción a sustancias psicoactivas es un trastorno conductual psicopatológico complejo resultado de la interacción entre determinantes genéticos, rasgos de personalidad y experiencias ambientales estresantes, entre otros factores. Este trastorno se caracteriza por su carácter crónico, compulsivo e incontrolable, acompañándose de fenómenos de tolerancia, dependencia física, deseo compulsivo y recaídas. En este trabajo de Tesis Doctoral se analizaron algunos de los factores de riesgo que determinan el consumo de alcohol. Se emplearon ratas Romanas consanguíneas de alta (RHA-1) y baja (RLA-1) evitación, que muestran diferencias fenotípicas en reactividad emocional, consumo de drogas y búsqueda de novedad. Se amplió el estudio de este rasgo conductual usando pruebas de elección libre y forzada. Las respuestas registradas en estas pruebas fueron correlacionadas con el consumo
voluntario de etanol. Se comprobó que la exposición a situaciones de frustración constituyó un acontecimiento estresante que aumentó el consumo de alcohol en la cepa más emocional (RLA-1).
Addiction to psychoactive substances is a behavioral disorder that results from the interaction among genes, personality traits and stressing environmental experiences. Drug dependence is chronic, compulsive and uncontrollable, and includes tolerance, physical dependence, craving and relapse. The main goal of this Thesis was to analyze sorne risk factors underlying ethanol consumption in genetically selected animals (inbred Roman High- (RHA-1) and Roman Low- (RLA-1) Avoidance rats). These strains were used on the basis of their extreme differences in emotional reactivity, drug intake and novelty seeking. The study of novelty seeking behavioral trait was extended in Roman rats, by using both free and torced novelty election tasks. The responses registered in these tasks were correlated with ethanol voluntary consumption patterns. The results also suggested that the exposure to frustrating situations was a stressful experience that increased ethanol consumption in the more emotional RLA strain
Addiction to psychoactive substances is a behavioral disorder that results from the interaction among genes, personality traits and stressing environmental experiences. Drug dependence is chronic, compulsive and uncontrollable, and includes tolerance, physical dependence, craving and relapse. The main goal of this Thesis was to analyze sorne risk factors underlying ethanol consumption in genetically selected animals (inbred Roman High- (RHA-1) and Roman Low- (RLA-1) Avoidance rats). These strains were used on the basis of their extreme differences in emotional reactivity, drug intake and novelty seeking. The study of novelty seeking behavioral trait was extended in Roman rats, by using both free and torced novelty election tasks. The responses registered in these tasks were correlated with ethanol voluntary consumption patterns. The results also suggested that the exposure to frustrating situations was a stressful experience that increased ethanol consumption in the more emotional RLA strain
Palabras clave
Alcohol, Ratas romanas, Genética, Frustración, Búsqueda de novedad, Novelty seeking, Genetics, Frustration, Romans rats, Alcoholismo, Ratas (Animales de laboratorio)