Programa psicomotriz para el desarrollo de las competencias motoras en niños de 2 a 3 años, Chambo- Ecuador
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Diversos estudios evidencian la importancia del desarrollo integral de la infancia, edad que se constituye como crucial en la vida de ser humano, cada ámbito contribuye a la formación del infante, por eso es necesario establecer el perfil socioeconómico, psicomotriz y emocional del niño para detectar señales de alerta y poder trabajar sobre los mismos.
Las condiciones de vida de una población para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas se constituye los indicadores para establecer un esquema socioeconómico familiar, mientras que el desarrollo emocional y social en niños ha sido conceptualizado como la capacidad del infante para establecer relaciones con sus semejantes y con adultos; así como la posibilidad de experimentar, regular y expresar emociones de manera social y culturalmente apropiada; la inteligencia emocional infantil presenta características singularmente integradoras y psicológicamente constructivas manifestándose en procesos de precepción, compresión emocional, el crecimiento de autoconciencia y auto comprensión de sus emociones y de los demás; así también se establece el estudio del perfil psicomotriz como un aspecto esencial, si se tiene en cuenta que la inteligencia es el resultado de la actividad motriz durante el proceso de formación en los primeros años de vida. La ejecución de acciones constituye el pivote en la asimilación de conocimientos, en el aprendizaje sobre el que se erige la educación y desarrollo integral del niño
Various researches show the importance of the integral development of children, an age that is crucial in the life of a human being. Each area contributes to the formation of the infant, which is why it is necessary to establish the socio-economic, psychomotor and emotional profile of the child in order to detect warning signs and to be capable to work on them. Living conditions of a population to satisfy their basic needs are the indicators to establish a family socioeconomic scheme, while the emotional and social development in children has been conceptualized as the capacity of the infant to establish relationships with their peers and with adults; as well as the possibility of experiencing, regulating and expressing emotions in a social and culturally appropriate way; the child's emotional intelligence presents singularly integrating and psychologically constructive characteristics manifesting itself in processes of perception, emotional understanding, the growth of self-awareness and self-understanding of their emotions and of others; thus the study of the psychomotor profile is also established as an essential aspect, if we take into account that intelligence is the result of motor activity during the formation process in the first years of life. The execution of actions constitutes the pivot in the assimilation of knowledge, in the learning on which the education and integral development of the child is built. The objectives of this work were to describe and determine the relationships between socioeconomic, psychomotor and emotional intelligence variables as elements to structure a psychomotor and emotional profile in children of child age.
Various researches show the importance of the integral development of children, an age that is crucial in the life of a human being. Each area contributes to the formation of the infant, which is why it is necessary to establish the socio-economic, psychomotor and emotional profile of the child in order to detect warning signs and to be capable to work on them. Living conditions of a population to satisfy their basic needs are the indicators to establish a family socioeconomic scheme, while the emotional and social development in children has been conceptualized as the capacity of the infant to establish relationships with their peers and with adults; as well as the possibility of experiencing, regulating and expressing emotions in a social and culturally appropriate way; the child's emotional intelligence presents singularly integrating and psychologically constructive characteristics manifesting itself in processes of perception, emotional understanding, the growth of self-awareness and self-understanding of their emotions and of others; thus the study of the psychomotor profile is also established as an essential aspect, if we take into account that intelligence is the result of motor activity during the formation process in the first years of life. The execution of actions constitutes the pivot in the assimilation of knowledge, in the learning on which the education and integral development of the child is built. The objectives of this work were to describe and determine the relationships between socioeconomic, psychomotor and emotional intelligence variables as elements to structure a psychomotor and emotional profile in children of child age.
Palabras clave
Psicomotricidad, inteligencia emocional, Infancia, Educación de la primera infancia, psychomotor skills, emotional intelligence, Childhood, early childhood education