La educación inclusiva como mecanismo de garantía de la igualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad. Una propuesta de estrategias pedagógicas inclusivas
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
En la actualidad, la inclusión es el modelo educativo al que se aspira y así lo recogen las principales normas en materia de discapacidad. Es necesario, por tanto, realizar un diagnóstico del sistema educativo español y su legislación. Este trabajo presenta las siguientes contribuciones: se identifican las principales deficiencias para la implementación real y efectiva de la inclusión; se desarrolla una escala de medida de la inclusión; se establecen modelos causales que explican diferentes aspectos de la inclusión educativa, además de conocer el impacto de las variables sociodemográficas. Para ello se realizan análisis factorial, regresiones múltiples y ANOVAS apoyado en una muestra de 133 profesores y maestros. Entre los resultados alcanzados se destaca que la inclusión es un constructo compuesto por diez factores; que el conocimiento sobre discapacidad no supone conocer sobre inclusión y que para mejorar la igualdad de oportunidades se deben incrementar y mejorar las medidas de atención a la diversidad, eliminar los centros especiales y fomentar la inclusión entre otros.
Inclusion is the educational model to which the main norms on disability are addressed. It is necessary, therefore, to make a diagnosis of the Spanish educational system and its legislation. This research presents the following contributions: the main deficiencies are identified for the real and effective implementation of the inclusion; a scale of measurement of inclusion is developed; causal models that explain different aspects of educational inclusion are established, as well as the impact of sociodemographic variables. Factorial analysis, multiple regressions and ANOVAS were performed for this purpose, supported by a sample of 133 teachers. Among the results achieved, it is emphasized that inclusion is a construct composed of ten factors; that knowledge about disability does not imply knowledge about inclusion and that in order to improve equal opportunities, attention must be given to increasing diversity, eliminating special centers and promoting inclusion among others.
Inclusion is the educational model to which the main norms on disability are addressed. It is necessary, therefore, to make a diagnosis of the Spanish educational system and its legislation. This research presents the following contributions: the main deficiencies are identified for the real and effective implementation of the inclusion; a scale of measurement of inclusion is developed; causal models that explain different aspects of educational inclusion are established, as well as the impact of sociodemographic variables. Factorial analysis, multiple regressions and ANOVAS were performed for this purpose, supported by a sample of 133 teachers. Among the results achieved, it is emphasized that inclusion is a construct composed of ten factors; that knowledge about disability does not imply knowledge about inclusion and that in order to improve equal opportunities, attention must be given to increasing diversity, eliminating special centers and promoting inclusion among others.
Palabras clave
Inclusión, Educación, Discapacidad, Análisis multivariables