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Power Quality and Energy Efficiency in the Pre-Evaluation of an Outdoor Lighting Renewal with Light-Emitting Diode Technology: Experimental Study and Amortization Analysis



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Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute


In this work, a practical methodology is proposed to analyze, before undertaking a large investment, an outdoor lighting installation renewal with light-emitting diode (LED) luminaires. The main problems found in many of the luminaires tested are associated with inrush peak currents in cold start (which may cause ignition problems with random shutdowns), the harmonic distortions caused by their AC/DC associated electronic nature driver, and their working and efficiency dependency on the ambient temperature. All these issues have been tested in the context of a large metal halide (MH) to LED luminaires lighting point renewal where six commercial LED projectors have been analyzed with the above considerations. This research has isolated a single-phase circuit powered with constant stabilized 230 VAC voltage source in a real public lighting installation. All of them have been sequentially installed and their main electrical and power-quality parameters measured and recorded. The results indicate that each luminaire option will influence the expected long-term reliability (>50.000 h or more as expressed by the U.S. Department of Energy) of the lighting installation (in the case poor power quality is generated on the grid). The economic analysis made to estimate the profitability of the investment may be severely affected by the difference between the declared and the real consumption values in which they perform in our specific installation.


Palabras clave

amortization analysis, break-even point (BEP), LED luminaires, power quality, street lighting, total harmonic distortion (THD)


Hermoso-Orzáez, M.J.; Gago-Calderón, A.; Rojas-Sola, J.I. Power Quality and Energy Efficiency in the Pre-Evaluation of an Outdoor Lighting Renewal with Light-Emitting Diode Technology: Experimental Study and Amortization Analysis. Energies 2017, 10, 836.
