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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Ante el reto de la descarbonización, el sector de los materiales cerámicos estructurales para edificación, basados en arcilla cocida, se enfrenta a nuevos desafíos entre los que se encuentra la implantación de soluciones de Economía Circular, así como una mejora de la eficiencia energética de los procesos de fabricación. en la presente investigación se propone la valorización material de diferentes residuos generados en Andalucía dentro del proceso productivo de la industria cerámica del clúster de Bailén (Jaén). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de las caracterizaciones llevadas a cabo en los diferentes materiales permiten concluir que es viable técnicamente la fabricación a escala industrial de cerámicas que incorporan residuos en su composición. Además, se logra mejorar la eficiencia energética durante la fabricación al reducir el consumo energético durante el proceso de secado y cocción.
Faced with the challenge of decarbonisation, the sector of structural ceramic materials for building, based on fired clay, faces new challenges, including the implementation of Circular Economy solutions as well as an improvement in the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes. In the present investigation, the material recovery of different waste generated in Andalusia within the productive process of the ceramic industry in the Bailén cluster (Jaén) is proposed. The results obtained from the characterizations carried out on different materials allow us to conclude that it is technically feasible to manufacture on an industrial scale ceramics that incorporate residues in their composition. In addition, it is possible to improve energy efficiency during manufacturing by reducing energy consumption during the drying and firing process.
Faced with the challenge of decarbonisation, the sector of structural ceramic materials for building, based on fired clay, faces new challenges, including the implementation of Circular Economy solutions as well as an improvement in the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes. In the present investigation, the material recovery of different waste generated in Andalusia within the productive process of the ceramic industry in the Bailén cluster (Jaén) is proposed. The results obtained from the characterizations carried out on different materials allow us to conclude that it is technically feasible to manufacture on an industrial scale ceramics that incorporate residues in their composition. In addition, it is possible to improve energy efficiency during manufacturing by reducing energy consumption during the drying and firing process.
Palabras clave
materiales cerámicos, arcilla, valorización de residuos, propiedades tecnológicas, impacto ambiental