Adaptación cultural y validación de las versiones españolas de los seis Criterios de Resultado relacionados con el dolor de la Clasjficación de Resultados de Enfermería (NOC)
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El dolor está considerado como un problema grave de salud pública que tiene profundos efectos sobre la salud de las personas que lo padecen. El objetivo fue realizar la adaptación cultural y validación de los seis CRs relacionados con el dolor de la NOC. Estudio de validación de instrumentos desarrollado en tres fases: Fase 1 Adaptación cultural mediante método de traducción-retrotraducción, Fase 2 Validación de contenido mediante grupo de expertos y Fase 3 Prueba clínica en población de pacientes con dolor agudo y crónico en las provincias de Jaén y Granada. Estadísticos descriptivos, Índice Validez Contenido, Validez de constructo, de criterio convergente y divergente, Fiabilidad mediante concordancia interobservador y consistencia interna y sensibilidad al cambio mediante dos mediciones separadas. Se han obtenido unas versiones adaptadas al entorno español ajustadas mediante el IVC, estructuradas por componentes con evidencias de validez, fiabilidad, y de sensibilidad al cambio.
[EN] Pain is an important public health problem, having a great impact on health status of the people suffering it. Objective: To translate, adapt and validate in the Spanish context, the six Outcomes related with pain assessment of the Nursing Outcomes Classification. Instrument validation study developed in three phases: Phase 1 Cultural adaptation through translation back-translation method; Phase 2 Content validation through an experts panel and Phase 3 Clinical validation through clinical testing on patients with acute and chronic pain in the provinces of Jaen and Granada. Descriptive statistics, Content validity index, construct validity, convergent and divergent criterion validity, Reliability through inter-rater agreement and internal consistency, and sensitivity to change through separated measurements. Spanish versions of the 6 outcomes have been obtained. These versions were adapted to the context Spanish adjusted by content validity index, structured by components with evidences of validity, reliability, and sensitivity to change.
[EN] Pain is an important public health problem, having a great impact on health status of the people suffering it. Objective: To translate, adapt and validate in the Spanish context, the six Outcomes related with pain assessment of the Nursing Outcomes Classification. Instrument validation study developed in three phases: Phase 1 Cultural adaptation through translation back-translation method; Phase 2 Content validation through an experts panel and Phase 3 Clinical validation through clinical testing on patients with acute and chronic pain in the provinces of Jaen and Granada. Descriptive statistics, Content validity index, construct validity, convergent and divergent criterion validity, Reliability through inter-rater agreement and internal consistency, and sensitivity to change through separated measurements. Spanish versions of the 6 outcomes have been obtained. These versions were adapted to the context Spanish adjusted by content validity index, structured by components with evidences of validity, reliability, and sensitivity to change.
Palabras clave
Adaptación cultural, Validación psicométrica, Dolor agudo, Dolor crónico, Clasificación de Resultados de Enfermería (NOC), Cultural Adaptation, Psychometric validation, Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, Nursing Outcomes Classification {NOC)
Belio-Vallejo, José-Carlos. Adaptación cultural y validación de las versiones españolas de los seis Criterios de Resultado relacionados con el dolor de la Clasjficación de Resultados de Enfermería (NOC). 2015, 390 p. []