Supply chain 4.0 ambidexterity and lean supply chain management: interrelationships and effect on the focal firm’s operational performance
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Emerald Publishing Limited
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to provide a measurement instrument for supply chain 4.0 ambidexterity by applying the theoretical perspective of ambidexterity to advance Industry 4.0. Secondly, to empirically analyse how supply chain 4.0 ambidexterity and Lean Supply Chain Management contribute to enhancing the focal firm’s operational performance.
Design/methodology/approach: Empirical results are obtained through analysis of survey data from a sample of 209 Spanish focal firms in industrial sectors in an intermediate position in the supply chain. Structural equation modelling was performed to test the three proposed hypotheses.
Findings: Drawing on Resource Orchestration Theory and the Relational Resource-Based View, this study empirically demonstrates the full mediating role of Lean Supply Chain Management in the relationship between supply chain 4.0 ambidexterity and the focal firm’s operational performance.
Originality/value: Although recent research has highlighted the pertinence of applying inter-organisational ambidexterity to foster Industry 4.0 (Hofmann et al., 2019), to the best of the authors' knowledge, this is one of the first studies to apply this theoretical framework to explain the transition to supply chain 4.0. In addition, to date, no study exists that has developed a measurement scale and used this concept in an empirical analysis to advance theory development.
Palabras clave
Supply Chain 4.0 ambidexterity, Operational Performance, Lean Supply Chain Management, Industry 4.0 technologies, Resource orchestration theory
Roldán Bravo, M.I., Maqueira-Marin, J.M. and Moyano-Fuentes, J. (2023), "Supply chain 4.0 ambidexterity and lean supply chain management: interrelationships and effect on the focal firm’s operational performance", Supply Chain Management, Vol. 28 No. 7, pp. 112-128.