RUJA: Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica


Habits of healthy living in adults former athletes of federated competition in the modality of volleyball in the province of Jaen


The main objective of this research is to know the healthy lifestyle habits of people who participated in federated competitions in volleyball in the province of Jaén once their competitive stage has ended. Therefore, to investigate whether people who in their adolescence and youth practiced a federated competitive sport in volleyball, maintain healthy lifestyle habits, referring to diet, quality of sleep, level of physical activity practice and their physical condition, in their stage of adulthood and seniority. This research has been carried out though a descriptive, cross-sectional, single measurement (Ato et al., 2013), and interpretive research; in which former athletes responded to a questionnaire about their daily habits related to health; In addition, to know the information through self-completed surveys by those who were captains and technicians of the volleyball clubs, in order to better understand their current healthy habits. The total number of subjects studied was 199 people, of which 18 were captains and 21 were coaches. When asking people about their eating habits, the majority values correspond to the response option “good”, both in women (61.5%) and in men (48.8%). The different groups of participants in the research state that they attach great importance to eating habits, nutrition, and diet quality in their daily lives. 84.6% of women and 91.9% of men consider that their current level of physical fitness is based on the sports practice of their youth. Physical-sports practice as a healthy lifestyle habit is incorporated as a healthy lifestyle habit mostly in the former athletes and sports technicians participating in this research.


Palabras clave

Sport medicine, Former competitive athletes, Older adults, Nutrition, Quality of life


Torres Guerrero, J., Caracuel Cáliz, R. F., Collado Fernández, D., Torres Campos, B., Párraga Montilla, J. A., & Cepero González, M. (2024). Habits of healthy living in adults former athletes of federated competition in the modality of volleyball in the province of Jaen. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 19(3), 827-845