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Análisis arqueológico de un escenario de conflicto de la Segunda Guerra Púnica: Iliturgi.
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
El oppidum de Iliturgi aparece en los textos greco-latinos vinculado a acciones bélicas que se sucedieron en el Alto Guadalquivir en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Púnica. Hasta el momento no existían evidencias arqueológicas de su ubicación, ni de su secuencia. A partir de un trabajo de integración espacial de la información previa, hemos desarrollado una estrategia interdisciplinar articulada mediante un SIG, cuyos resultados certifican la presencia de un oppidum en el Cerro de la Muela (Mengíbar, Jaén). En torno a su acrópolis documentamos los restos de un evento bélico fechado a finales del siglo III a.C. Lejos de ceñirnos en exclusiva a esta acción, que por sí misma resulta relevante, al convertirse en el primer ataque a un oppidum ibero en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Púnica registrado arqueológicamente, hemos integrado, desde una perspectiva holística, la guerra dentro del análisis del proceso histórico del oppidum de Iliturgi.
Iliturgi's oppidum appears in Greco-Latin texts linked to military actions that took place in the Upper Guadalquivir in the framework of the Second Punic War. So far there was no archaeological evidence of its location, or its sequence. From a work of spatial integration of the previous information, we have developed an interdisciplinary strategy articulated by means of a GIS, whose results certify the presence of an oppidum in Cerro de la Muela (Mengíbar, Jaén). Around its acropolis we document the remains of a war event dated to the end of the 3rd century BC. Far from limiting ourselves exclusively to this action, which by itself is relevant, as it became the first attack on an Iberian oppidum in the framework of the Second Punic War recorded archaeologically, we have integrated, from a holistic perspective, the war into the analysis of the historical process of the Iliturgi oppidum.
Iliturgi's oppidum appears in Greco-Latin texts linked to military actions that took place in the Upper Guadalquivir in the framework of the Second Punic War. So far there was no archaeological evidence of its location, or its sequence. From a work of spatial integration of the previous information, we have developed an interdisciplinary strategy articulated by means of a GIS, whose results certify the presence of an oppidum in Cerro de la Muela (Mengíbar, Jaén). Around its acropolis we document the remains of a war event dated to the end of the 3rd century BC. Far from limiting ourselves exclusively to this action, which by itself is relevant, as it became the first attack on an Iberian oppidum in the framework of the Second Punic War recorded archaeologically, we have integrated, from a holistic perspective, the war into the analysis of the historical process of the Iliturgi oppidum.
Palabras clave
Iliturgi, Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Arqueología, Segunda Guerra Púnica, oppidum, Geographic Information Systems, Archeology, Second Punic War