Relación entre el nivel de desarrollo del juicio moral del profesorado de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria y su disposición a la transmisión de valores sociales a su alumnado
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
Se lleva a cabo un estudio sobre la opinión del profesorado acerca de la incidencia que tiene su juicio moral en la disposición para colaborar en la adquisición de valores sociales por parte de sus alumnos/as de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Se establece el desarrollo del juicio moral de los docentes, un elemento de gran trascendencia para llevar a cabo una formación moral adecuada. Se aborda las actuaciones que realizan los docentes en la práctica educativa en relación con la educación en valores. Se analiza el seguimiento del profesorado de las orientaciones dadas por el marco normativo, encaminadas al desarrollo pleno del alumnado, incluyendo el desarrollo moral del alumno/a, o en su caso qué fundamentación o base pedagógica siguen para la educación en valores de sus alumnos/as.
What we wanted to do with this investigation Project was to do a study about teachers´ point of view, with the incidence that has their moral trial, to by students in the third cycle of Primary Education. Because of teachers´ moral trial, a very important element to carry by them was stablished, an adecquate formation from the moral point or view. Very related to everything exposed before, we talk about the acts done by teachers in their daily practice in the education in valves in this school cycle. If the orientations done by the legal frane, to reach students´ moral development, are followed by teachers, or in the contrary, what pedagogic base is followed to educate in valves.
What we wanted to do with this investigation Project was to do a study about teachers´ point of view, with the incidence that has their moral trial, to by students in the third cycle of Primary Education. Because of teachers´ moral trial, a very important element to carry by them was stablished, an adecquate formation from the moral point or view. Very related to everything exposed before, we talk about the acts done by teachers in their daily practice in the education in valves in this school cycle. If the orientations done by the legal frane, to reach students´ moral development, are followed by teachers, or in the contrary, what pedagogic base is followed to educate in valves.
Palabras clave
Educación en valores, Desarrollo moral del docente, Curriculum (Enseñanza), Education in values, Teacher's moral developement, Moral, Ética, Autonomía (Psicología), Responsabilidad