Evolución del peso, densidad mineral ósea y metabolismo lipídico en el paciente trasplantado renal.
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Tras el trasplante se producen una serie de alteraciones metabólicas que podrían llegar a poner en riesgo la supervivencia del injerto y comprometer seriamente el estado de salud del paciente trasplantado renal. Entre las complicaciones metabólicas mas importantes se encuentran las alteraciones del metabolismo mineral y óseo y las alteraciones del metabolismo lipídico. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar la ganancia de peso, las modificaciones en la densidad mineral ósea y la hiperlipidemias en estos pacientes, para ello se siguieron 119 pacientes trasplantados renales durante 5 años de seguimiento. En conclusión se produce una elevada prevalencia sobrepeso y obesidad tras el trasplante especialmente durante el primer año, además existe un gran incremento de la hiperlipidemias, así como una perdida continua de masa ósea en todas las zonas medidas, lo que conlleva un alto riesgo de sufrir fracturas graves, poniendo en peligro además el injerto renal, la calidad de vida del paciente.
[EN] After renal transplantation is producing a series of metabolic alterations that could potentially put at risk the survival of the graft and severely compromise the health status of the renal transplant patient. Most important are Metabolic complications of bone and mineral metabolism and the disturbances of lipid metabolism. This study aims to investigate the weight gain, changes in bone mineral density and Hyperlipidemia in these patients, 119 kidney transplant patients were followed for 5 years of follow-up.In conclusion high overweight and obesity prevalence occurs after transplantation especially during the first year, there is also a large increase in hyperlipidemia, as well as a continuous loss of bone mass in all areas measures, which carries a high risk serious fractures, threatening kidney graft addition, the quality of life of patients
[EN] After renal transplantation is producing a series of metabolic alterations that could potentially put at risk the survival of the graft and severely compromise the health status of the renal transplant patient. Most important are Metabolic complications of bone and mineral metabolism and the disturbances of lipid metabolism. This study aims to investigate the weight gain, changes in bone mineral density and Hyperlipidemia in these patients, 119 kidney transplant patients were followed for 5 years of follow-up.In conclusion high overweight and obesity prevalence occurs after transplantation especially during the first year, there is also a large increase in hyperlipidemia, as well as a continuous loss of bone mass in all areas measures, which carries a high risk serious fractures, threatening kidney graft addition, the quality of life of patients
Palabras clave
Trasplante, Enfermedad renal, Diálisis, Índice de masa corporal, Dislipemia, Obesidad, Transplant, Kidney disease, Body Mass Index, Dyslipidemia, Obesity
Fernández-Castillo, Rafael. : Evolución del peso, densidad mineral ósea y metabolismo lipídico en el paciente trasplantado renal, 2015, 148 p. [http://hdl.handle.net/10953/663]