Inestabilidad crónica de tobillo: tratamiento mediante movilizaciones articulares y un programa de entrenamiento propioceptivo. Validación de la versión española del cuestionario "Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool"
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La inestabilidad crónica de tobillo CAI es una patología muy frecuente debido a que hasta un 80% de todos los pacientes que sufren un esguince de tobillo desarrollan secuelas relacionadas con la inestabilidad mecánica y funcional. Basándonos en la fisioterapia basada en la evidencia, el tratamiento de esta patología mediante la aplicación de técnicas de movilización articular y entrenamiento propioceptivo parece ser el más acertado para mejorar los déficits funcionales de estos pacientes. Asimismo, para determinar la presencia de CAI existen varios métodos, siendo el uso de cuestionarios específicos autoadministrados uno de los más extendidos por su fácil uso y aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica. No obstante, en la fecha de inicio de esta tesis no existía ningún instrumento de medida validado al idioma castellano. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en validar el test de Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) al castellano y evaluar la efectividad de la aplicación de un programa de
entrenamiento propioceptivo y de movilización articular en pacientes con CAI
[EN]Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) is considered as a very frequent pathology because 80% of the patients who suffer ankle sprain develop residual effects related to functional and mechanical instability. According to evidence-based physiotherapy, the application of joint mobilization techniques and proprioceptive training are considered the most appropriate treatment to improve these patients' functional deficits. Additionally, there are several methods to assess the presence of CAI, and the use of self-administered questionnaires is one of the most extended tools because of its easy administration and applicability in clinical practice. Nevertheless, to our knowledge and in the beginning of this study, there were no self-report questionnaires validated in Spanish for this pathology. The objectives of this research were to perform the validation of the Spanish version of the "Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) "and to assess the effectiveness of a proprioceptive training program and joint mobilization in patients with CAI.
[EN]Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) is considered as a very frequent pathology because 80% of the patients who suffer ankle sprain develop residual effects related to functional and mechanical instability. According to evidence-based physiotherapy, the application of joint mobilization techniques and proprioceptive training are considered the most appropriate treatment to improve these patients' functional deficits. Additionally, there are several methods to assess the presence of CAI, and the use of self-administered questionnaires is one of the most extended tools because of its easy administration and applicability in clinical practice. Nevertheless, to our knowledge and in the beginning of this study, there were no self-report questionnaires validated in Spanish for this pathology. The objectives of this research were to perform the validation of the Spanish version of the "Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) "and to assess the effectiveness of a proprioceptive training program and joint mobilization in patients with CAI.
Palabras clave
Inestabilidad crónica, Movilización articular, Entrenamiento propioceptivo, Cuestionario, Control postural, Chronic Instability, Joint mobilization, Proprioceptive training, Articulaciones, Postural control, Entrenamiento (Deportes), Tobillo, Lesiones y heridas
Cruz-Díaz, David. Inestabilidad crónica de tobillo: tratamiento mediante movilizaciones articulares y un programa de entrenamiento propioceptivo. Validación de la versión española del cuestionario "Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool", 2013. 148 p. []