Retrospectiva técnica y de modelo de negocio de los sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados a la red en España. Propuesta de una nueva metodología de análisis de plantas FV atendiendo a los cambios normativos motivados por el RD 661/2007. Un caso de estudio en Andalucía
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
A tenor de los cambios normativos aplicados a las plantas fotovoltaicas instaladas en España bajo el RD 661/2007, se estima oportuno ahondar en el análisis de la evolución del modelo de negocio fotovoltaico en España, en el cuál se ha detectado cómo un cambio legislativo puede influir no solo en la rentabilidad y viabilidad de la inversión, sino en la operación del sistema, llegando incluso a ser más rentable un abandono del mismo que un mantenimiento óptimo. Adicionalmente, y debido al transcurso de un tercio de la vida útil de los sistemas instalados en 2007, se detecta la oportunidad de realizar una caracterización energética de alguna planta fotovoltaica tipo, partiendo de una monitorización limitada, ya que en gran parte de las plantas, tan solo existe un contador de energía como testigo de la operación del sistema.
In the light of the regulatory changes applied to PV plants installed in Spain under the RD 661/2007, it is considered appropriate to delve deeper into the analysis of the evolution of the photovoltaic business model in Spain, in which it has been detected how a legislative change can influence not only the profitability and viability of the investment, but also the operation of the system, making it even more profitable to abandon the system than to maintain it optimally. Additionally, and due to the passing of a third of the useful life of the systems installed in 2007, the opportunity is detected to carry out an energy characterization of some photovoltaic plant type, starting from a limited monitoring, since in most of the plants, there is only an energy meter as a witness of the operation of the system.
In the light of the regulatory changes applied to PV plants installed in Spain under the RD 661/2007, it is considered appropriate to delve deeper into the analysis of the evolution of the photovoltaic business model in Spain, in which it has been detected how a legislative change can influence not only the profitability and viability of the investment, but also the operation of the system, making it even more profitable to abandon the system than to maintain it optimally. Additionally, and due to the passing of a third of the useful life of the systems installed in 2007, the opportunity is detected to carry out an energy characterization of some photovoltaic plant type, starting from a limited monitoring, since in most of the plants, there is only an energy meter as a witness of the operation of the system.
Palabras clave
Sistema FV conectado a red, Operación y Mantenimiento, Análisis Económico, LCOE, Grid-connected PV System, Operation and Maintenance, Economic analysis, LCOE