Motivaciones de los adolescentes para el inicio y mantenimiento del consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Estudio cualitativo
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Estudio metodológicamente cualitativo dirigido a profundizar en los cambios físicos, psíquicos y/o sociales que determinan en el adolescente el inicio y mantenimiento de los consumos de alcohol y tabaco. A tal fin y mediante un diseño fenomenológico, adecuado para conocer las opiniones, percepciones y discursos; se ha valorado la influencia de la dinámica familiar, el entorno social (tanto factores micro como macro ambientales), la percepción del riego derivado del consumo y abuso de tales sustancias y el papel que asignan los adolescentes a figuras de autoridad (educadores y sanitarios) en el modelaje de sus conductas de consumo.
[EN] Qualitative study, aimed to deep in the physical, psychological and / or social changes in the teenager which determine the initiation and maintenance of alcohol and tobacco consumption. For this aim it has been used a phenomenological design, to know the views, perceptions and speeches of adolescents; it has been evaluated the influence of family dynamics, social environment (both micro and macro environmental factors), the risk perception arising from the consumption and abuse of such substances and the role that teens assign to authority figures (teachers and health professionals) for modeling of their consumer behaviors.
[EN] Qualitative study, aimed to deep in the physical, psychological and / or social changes in the teenager which determine the initiation and maintenance of alcohol and tobacco consumption. For this aim it has been used a phenomenological design, to know the views, perceptions and speeches of adolescents; it has been evaluated the influence of family dynamics, social environment (both micro and macro environmental factors), the risk perception arising from the consumption and abuse of such substances and the role that teens assign to authority figures (teachers and health professionals) for modeling of their consumer behaviors.
Palabras clave
Adolescentes, Alcohol, Tabaco, Estudio cualitativo, Adolescents, Tobacco, Qualitative evaluation
Redondo-Olmedilla, Manuel-de-Dios . Motivaciones de los adolescentes para el inicio y mantenimiento del consumo de alcohol y tabaco. Estudio cualitativo. 2016, 238 p. []