Propuesta de Atención Educativa desde una visión holística, para estudiantes de educación básica, con alto potencial intelectual en riesgo de exclusión.
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
En esta tesis doctoral presento una propuesta de atención educativa desde una visión holística para alumnos de educación básica, con alto potencial intelectual no manifiesto en conductas y producciones escolarmente valoradas; a partir del análisis de las barreras que enfrentan y los colocan en riesgo de exclusión. Para ello, elegí un diseño de investigación de tipo descriptivo, desde un enfoque de recolección y análisis de datos mixto, en el que utilicé técnicas cualitativas (el diario de campo, las historias de vida y el grupo de discusión) y técnicas cuantitativas (instrumentos psicométricos y cuestionario), para la validación del cuestionario utilicé la técnica de juicio de expertos. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 20 estudiantes de educación básica, sus familias, 210 docentes de 14 escuelas de educación primaria y 72 profesionistas de educación especial (66 docentes de apoyo escolar y 6 asesores técnicos de 6 zonas escolares) del municipio de Monterrey y su área metropolitana, en Nuevo León, México. Entre las conclusiones se destaca que los alumnos con alto potencial intelectual enfrentan barreras de tipo actitudinal basadas en mitos y prejuicios que vulnera e inhibe el desarrollo de su potencial. Los constructos que prevalecen en el sistema educativo sobre el tema, han influido para que potenciales talentos no sean considerados debido a diversas prácticas homogeneizantes.
Existe también la tendencia en el Sistema Educativo Estatal de fortalecer estrategias de agrupamiento contrario a los principios de equidad e inclusión en los que se sustenta el Modelo Educativo para la Educación Obligatoria.
In this doctoral thesis I present a proposal of educational attention from a holistic view for students of basic education with high intellectual potential not manifest in behaviors and scholarly valued productions; from the analysis of the barriers they face and place them at risk of exclusion. For this, I chose a descriptive research design, from a mixed data collection and analysis approach, in which I used qualitative techniques (field diary, life stories and discussion group) and quantitative techniques (psychometric tests and questionnaires), for the validation of the questionnaire I used the technique of expert judgment. The sample consisted of 20 basic education students, their families, 210 teachers from 14 elementary schools and 72 special education professionals (66 teachers of school support and 6 technical advisers from 6 school zones) of the municipality of Monterrey and its metropolitan area, in Nuevo León, Mexico. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that students with high intellectual potential face attitudinal barriers based on myths and prejudices that infringe and inhibit the development of their potential. The constructs that prevail in the education system on the subject have influenced so that potential talents are not considered due to diverse homogenizing practices. There is also a tendency in the State Educational System to strengthen grouping strategies contrary to the principles of equity and inclusion on which the Educational Model for Mandatory educations is based.
In this doctoral thesis I present a proposal of educational attention from a holistic view for students of basic education with high intellectual potential not manifest in behaviors and scholarly valued productions; from the analysis of the barriers they face and place them at risk of exclusion. For this, I chose a descriptive research design, from a mixed data collection and analysis approach, in which I used qualitative techniques (field diary, life stories and discussion group) and quantitative techniques (psychometric tests and questionnaires), for the validation of the questionnaire I used the technique of expert judgment. The sample consisted of 20 basic education students, their families, 210 teachers from 14 elementary schools and 72 special education professionals (66 teachers of school support and 6 technical advisers from 6 school zones) of the municipality of Monterrey and its metropolitan area, in Nuevo León, Mexico. Among the conclusions, it is highlighted that students with high intellectual potential face attitudinal barriers based on myths and prejudices that infringe and inhibit the development of their potential. The constructs that prevail in the education system on the subject have influenced so that potential talents are not considered due to diverse homogenizing practices. There is also a tendency in the State Educational System to strengthen grouping strategies contrary to the principles of equity and inclusion on which the Educational Model for Mandatory educations is based.
Palabras clave
atención educativa, altas capacidades, diagnóstico y evaluación