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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
El estudio del ADN satélite en el grupo de los coccinélidos es muy escaso a pesar de ser el grupo dentro del orden de los coleópteros más numeroso. Con el desarrollo de esta tesis se han aislado y caracterizado una gran variedad de ADN satélites en 4 especies diferentes, usando para ello tanto métodos clásicos para su aislamiento, como lo son el uso de enzimas de restricción o la construcción de genotecas de ADN Cot1, así como el uso de las nuevas tecnologías derivadas de la secuenciación masiva (Next Generation Sequencing) y herramientas bioinformáticas destinadas al estudio de estos datos de secuenciación masiva. De modo conjunto se han caracterizado un total de 29 familias en Hippodamia variegata, 44 familias en Chnootriba argus, 19 en Epilachna paenulata y 51 en Adalia bipunctata.
The study of satellite DNA in Coccinelids is very scare, despite of being one of the most numerous within the Coleoptera group. With this PhD project a big variety of satellite DNAs has been isolated and characterized in four Coccinelid species. This has been reached by the use of both classical (restriction enzyme digestion or Cot1 library construction) and new approaches such as Next Generation Sequencing techniques and the bioinformatic tools designed in order to analyze all of these data. With all of this approaches a total of 44 satellite DNA families have been isolated in Hippodamia variegata, 44 in Chnootriba argus, 19 in Epilachna paenulata and 51 in Adalia bipunctata.
The study of satellite DNA in Coccinelids is very scare, despite of being one of the most numerous within the Coleoptera group. With this PhD project a big variety of satellite DNAs has been isolated and characterized in four Coccinelid species. This has been reached by the use of both classical (restriction enzyme digestion or Cot1 library construction) and new approaches such as Next Generation Sequencing techniques and the bioinformatic tools designed in order to analyze all of these data. With all of this approaches a total of 44 satellite DNA families have been isolated in Hippodamia variegata, 44 in Chnootriba argus, 19 in Epilachna paenulata and 51 in Adalia bipunctata.
Palabras clave
Citogenética, ADN satélite, FISH, cariotipo, coccinélidos