Propuestas y reflexiones sobre la intervención socioeducativa en situaciones de privación de libertad
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Jaén : Universidad de Jaén
La presente tesis ha procurado realizar un ejercicio de conexión entre la disciplina de la antropología aplicada y el trabajo social, intentando buscar un punto de encuentro entre ambas y contribuir a un cambio de sensibilidad hacia, desde, para y por las personas en circunstancias de internamiento; acercándonos a la periferia carcelaria, mediante una perspectiva holística, con un punto de vista analítico y con una metodología que genere y favorezca la transformación desde la intervención social.
Se ha pretendido aportar al conocimiento en el sentido de trazar estrategias y herramientas socioeducativas alternativas que aborden los estancos procedimientos de tratamiento, en un compromiso por evidenciar la necesidad de creer en la oportunidad de la reeducación y la reinserción, por encima de los patrones punitivos y de control; así como colaborar con la visibilización de una casuística tan lumpen, culturalmente establecida, como son las situaciones de privación de libertad en nuestra sociedad.
The present thesis has tried to conduct an exercise of connection between the discipline of applied anthropology and social work, trying to find a meeting point between both and contribute to a change of sensitivity towards, from, for and by people in circumstances of involuntary commitment; approaching the prison periphery, through a holistic perspective, with an analytical point of view and with a methodology that generates and assists the transformation from social intervention. The aim has been to contribute to knowledge in the sense of drawing up some alternative socio-educational strategies and tools that tackle the treatment procedures that have come to a standstill, in a commitment to demonstrate the need to believe in the opportunity of re-education and reintegration, above punitive and control patterns; as well as to collaborate with the visibility of a casuistry so lumpen, culturally established, as are the situations of deprivation of liberty in our society.
The present thesis has tried to conduct an exercise of connection between the discipline of applied anthropology and social work, trying to find a meeting point between both and contribute to a change of sensitivity towards, from, for and by people in circumstances of involuntary commitment; approaching the prison periphery, through a holistic perspective, with an analytical point of view and with a methodology that generates and assists the transformation from social intervention. The aim has been to contribute to knowledge in the sense of drawing up some alternative socio-educational strategies and tools that tackle the treatment procedures that have come to a standstill, in a commitment to demonstrate the need to believe in the opportunity of re-education and reintegration, above punitive and control patterns; as well as to collaborate with the visibility of a casuistry so lumpen, culturally established, as are the situations of deprivation of liberty in our society.
Palabras clave
Intervención Social, Prisión, Reeducación, Reinserción, Arteterapia