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Title: A green metal–organic framework to monitor water contaminants
Authors: Rocío-Bautista, Priscilla
Pino, Verónica
Pasán, Jorge
Ayala, Juan H.
Ruiz-Pérez, Catalina
Afonso, Ana M.
Abstract: The CIM-80 material (aluminum(III)-mesaconate) has been synthetized in high yield through a novel green procedure involving water and urea as co-reactants. The CIM-80 material exhibits good thermal stability with a working range from RT to 350 °C with a small contraction upon desolvation. Moreover, this material is stable in water at different pH values (1–10) for at least one week, and shows a LC50 value higher than 2 mg mL−1. The new material has been tested in a microextraction methodology for the monitoring of up to 22 water pollutants while presenting little environmental impact: only 20 mg of CIM-80 and 500 μL of acetonitrile are needed per analysis. The analytical performance of the CIM-80 in the microextraction strategy is similar to or even better for several pollutants than that of MIL-53(Al). The average extraction efficiencies range from ∼20% for heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to ∼70–100% for the lighter ones. In the case of the emerging contaminants, the average extraction efficiency can reach values up to 70% for triclosan and carbamazepine.
Keywords: Metal-organic frameworks
sample perparation
Dispersive micro solid-phase extraction
Issue Date: Sep-2018
Publisher: RSC Advance
Appears in Collections:DQFA-Artículos

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