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Title: Facing the challenges of the food industry: Might additive manufacturing be the answer?
Authors: Sartal, Antonio
Carou, Diego
Dorado Vicente, Rubén
Mandayo, Lorenzo
Abstract: Our research explores how additive manufacturing can support the food industry in facing its current global challenges. Although information technologies are usually highlighted as the main driver of the Industry 4.0 concept, which was first introduced during the Hannover Fair event in 2011, we posit that additive manufacturing can be the true generator of a sustainable competitive advantage in this sector. This evidence stems from a case study in a plant of one of the world’s largest fishing multinational companies. Our results show how, through robotic claw optimization using three dimensional printing, we not only reduce the manufacturing costs but also increase the flexibility of the line and reduce time to market. On the one hand, our findings should encourage managers to test this technology at their facilities; on the other hand, policymakers should promote the adoption of additive manufacturing, highlighting the potential of this technology within the Industry 4.0 context.
Keywords: 3D printing
food industry challenges
robotic claw
weight reduction
Industry 4.0
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: SAGE
Citation: Sartal A, Carou D, Dorado-Vicente R, Mandayo L. Facing the challenges of the food industry: Might additive manufacturing be the answer? Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2019;233(8):1902-1906. doi:10.1177/0954405418805611
Appears in Collections:DIMM-Artículos

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