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Title: Accessing interactively the spatio-temporal data-model of an archaeological site through its 3D virtual reconstruction
Authors: Calzado-Martínez, Alberto
García-Fernández, Ángel-Luis
Ortega-Alvarado, Lidia M.
Abstract: Information and communication technologies are increasingly used in all archaeological processes. However, archaeologists sometimes consider them as intrusive, too far from the traditional work methodology and even a hindrance. In this article we propose a framework to allow natural and therefore intuitive access to the archaeological record. The information retrieval process is carried out through a three-dimensional virtual reconstruction of the archaeological site. In this system, navigation and interaction with the three-dimensional elements of the environment triggers database queries. To achieve such functionality, a client-server architecture is designed in which the server maintains a spatio-temporal database with heterogeneous information, including the 3D models of the finds. To do this, a virtual replica of the site is created considering spatial restrictions and topological relationships among the finds.
Keywords: Spatio-temporal database
Virtual 3D archaeological site reconstruction
Topological relationship
3D navigation and interaction
Issue Date: Sep-2022
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España): TIN2017-84968-R.
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Alberto Calzado-Martínez, Ángel-Luis García-Fernández, Lidia M. Ortega-Alvarado, Accessing interactively the spatio-temporal data-model of an archaeological site through its 3D virtual reconstruction, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Volume 26, 2022, e00235, ISSN 2212-0548,
Appears in Collections:DI-Artículos

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