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Título: Machine Vision System for Automatic Adjustment of Optical Components in LED Modules for Automotive Lighting
Autoría: Satorres Martínez, Silvia
Martínez Gila, Diego
Illana Rico, Sergio
Teba Camacho, Daniel
Resumen: This paper presents a machine vision system that performs the automatic positioning of optical components in LED modules of automotive headlamps. The automatic adjustment of the module is a process of great interest at the industrial level, as it allows us to reduce reworks, increasing the company profits. We propose a machine vision system with a flexible hardware–software structure that allows it to adapt to a wide range of LED modules. Its hardware is composed of image-capturing devices, which enable us to obtain the LED module light pattern, and mechanisms for manipulating and holding the module to be adjusted. Its software design follows a component-based approach which allows us to increase the reusage of the code, decreasing the time required for configuring any type of LED module. To assess the efficiency and robustness of the industrial system, a series of tests, using three commercial models of LED modules, have been performed. In all cases, the automatically adjusted LED modules followed the ECE R112 regulation for automotive lighting.
Palabras clave: machine vision
automatic adjustment
LED module
automotive lighting
Fecha: 5-nov-2023
Editorial: MDPI
Aparece en las colecciones: DIEA-Artículos

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