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Title: Ground-Penetrating Radar Study of Progradational Units in Holocene Coastal Plains: Carchuna Beach (SE Spain)
Authors: Rey, Javier
Martínez, Julián
Hidalgo, M. Carmen
Mendoza, Rosendo
Campos-Suñol, M. José
Abstract: The internal geometries of progradational units on the coastal plain in southeastern Spain (Carchuna Beach, Granada) since the maximum Holocene marine transgression (ca. 7000 cal BP) have been analysed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR). Radargram analysis shows the presence of sedimentary structures consistent with the progradation of coastal plains, interpreted as laminations associated with the foreset and topset. Laterally, five middle scale progradational units (H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) are identified. Each of these units can be grouped into two major units. The general trend towards progradation is interrupted at the boundary of the units. Minor scale units (prograding wedges), deposited at topographically lower areas, are detected in GPR profiles. The radargrams also show channel erosional surfaces and sigmoidal landward dipping reflections interpreted as washover channel deposits, with the erosion and transference of sediments between the beach and the back-ridge domain. Furthermore, the saturation of coastline sediments with saltwater rapidly attenuates the GPR signal. Thus, the GPR is also a good tool to detect saltwater intrusions in shallow aquifers.
Keywords: coastal plain
progradational units
ground-penetrating radar
berm ridges facies
prograding radar facies
saltwater intrusions
Issue Date: 19-Jul-2020
Publisher: MDPI
Appears in Collections:DIMM-Artículos

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