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dc.contributor.authorDevi, K.J.-
dc.contributor.authorKrisHna, M.V.J.-
dc.contributor.authorSingh, P.-
dc.contributor.authorSantamaria, J.-
dc.contributor.authorBarakaniya, P.-
dc.identifier.citationDevi, K.J., Krishna, M.V.J., Singh, P., Santamaría, J., Bakaraniya, P. (2023). Robust, Reversible Medical Image Watermarking for Transmission of Medical Images over Cloud in Smart IoT Healthcare. In: Thakkar, H.K., Dehury, C.K., Sahoo, P.K., Veeravalli, B. (eds) Predictive Analytics in Cloud, Fog, and Edge Computing. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18034-7_2es_ES
dc.descriptionEl trabajo forma parte de una línea de investigación desarrollada conjuntamente por miembros del grupo de investigación PAIDI "Inteligencia computacional aplicada" de la Universidad de Jaén y otros de la SRM University. El estudio corresponde a la ampliación de otros trabajos previos de los autores abordando el problema del uso de marcas de agua en imágenes (a.ka. Image Watermarking), en esta ocasión para proponer un esquema reversible de marca de agua de imágenes médicas en el dominio del e-Healthcare.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThere has been a significant advancements in the field of e-healthcare. E-healthcare applications are changing and adapting to improve smart healthcare domain employing IoT devices, making working in the healthcare domain more convenient. For diagnosis and treatment, medical images are transferred through cloud from radiology center to smart healthcare centres. Among the contentions that causes problems in medical image transmission is the integrity and confidentiality of medical images on the smart healthcare platform. Another major challenge with ensuring protection for electronic patient health records (EHR) in the cloud infrastructure is the confidentiality of patient records. Hence medical image watermarking helps to maintain their authenticity, confidentiality and integrity. Here proposing a reversible medical image watermarking scheme in the spatial domain that embedded EHR in the medical cover image at the sender and the same watermark is retrieved and original image is restored at the receiver end. The embedding is done using the quadratic difference expansion and the data encryption is done using the magic polybius music square to ensure high embedding capacity and security. From the obtained experimental results satisfied all watermarking characteristics.es_ES
dc.subjectRamdon Keyes_ES
dc.subjectImage watermarkinges_ES
dc.subjectInternet of Medical Thingses_ES
dc.subjectSmart Healthcarees_ES
dc.titleRobust, Reversible Medical Image Watermarking for Transmission of Medical Images over Cloud in Smart IoT Healthcarees_ES
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