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Title: Engineering aspects of hydrothermal pretreatment: From batch to continuous operation, scale-up and pilot reactor under biorefinery concept
Authors: Ruiz, Héctor
Conrad, Marc
Sun, Shao-Nin
Sanchez, Arturo
Rocha, George J.M.
Romani, Aloia
Castro, Eulogio
Torres, Ana
Rodríguez-Jasso, Rosa M.
Andrade, Liliane P.
Smirnova, Irina
Sun, Run-Cang
Meyer, Anne S.
Abstract: Different pretreatments strategies have been developed over the years mainly to enhance enzymatic cellulose degradation. In the new biorefinery era, a more holistic view on pretreatment is required to secure optimal use of the whole biomass. Hydrothermal pretreatment technology is regarded as very promising for lignocellulose biomass fractionation biorefinery and to be implemented at the industrial scale for biorefineries of second generation and circular bioeconomy, since it does not require no chemical inputs other than liquid water or steam and heat. This review focuses on the fundamentals of hydrothermal pretreatment, structure changes of biomass during this pretreatment, multiproduct strategies in terms of biorefinery, reactor technology and engineering aspects from batch to continuous operation. The treatise includes a case study of hydrothermal biomass pretreatment at pilot plant scale and integrated process design.
Keywords: Severity parameter
Steam explosion
Liquid hot water
Pilot plant
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Bioresource Technology (2020) 299, 122685
Appears in Collections:DIQAM-Artículos

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