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Title: Pictogram Tablet: A Speech Generating Device Focused on Language Learning
Authors: Martínez-Santiago, Fernando
Montejo-Ráez, Arturo
García-Cumbreras, Miguel Á.
Abstract: Speech generating devices (SGD) are a type of communication aid based on turning a message composed by the user into speech. The goal of these communicative aids is usually to find technological tools for communication problems rather than tools for scaffolding the learning process of language skills. We have implemented an interface designed for developing new communication skills rather than improving the act of communication. This tool is focused on augmentative and alternative communication methods. A number of interface design principles are proposed, which are based on some of the most well-known speech disorder interventions, such as analysis of verbal behavior or language acquisition modeling.
Keywords: Alternative communication
Speech generating devices
Issue Date: 27-Jan-2018
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: This research work is partially supported by the project REDES (TIN2015-65136-C2-1-R) and a grant from the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).
Publisher: Oxford Academic
Citation: Fernando Martínez-Santiago, Arturo Montejo-Ráez, Miguel Á García-Cumbreras, Pictogram Tablet: A Speech Generating Device Focused on Language Learning, Interacting with Computers, Volume 30, Issue 2, March 2018, Pages 116–132,
Appears in Collections:DI-Artículos

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